

By Ubugawa
  • 1200 BCE

    Odysseus Trojan War Summarization

    Odysseus Trojan War Summarization
    When Odysseus and his men went to the Trojan War he was the first hero there. Something that happened to Odysseus and his men was the only Greeks to stay alive because all of the other Greeks were killed or taken captive. Odysseus fought in this war for 10 years. Also, Odysseus and the other Greeks came up with a plan to infiltrate the Trojans. They had made a wooden horse that had Greek soldiers in there but the Trojans didn't know so the Greeks infiltrated Troy and gained control of Troy.
  • 1200 BCE

    Odysseus Trojan War Analysis

    Odysseus Trojan War Analysis
    Something that we learn from Odysseus in the Trojan War is he is a strong leader. Something else about Odysseus is that when he shows great leadership he brings up a mastermind plan to infiltrate the Trojans. This specific event helps us understand what to expect in the near future of Odysseus's events and locations. Also, he and his crew members are brave and heroic in this war.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe Summary

    Circe Summary
    While Odysseus and his men are on their journey they stop at Circe's hall. Circe likes Odysseus. Then after they stop here than Circe decides to poison the men with a drug. This is a drug that she made to turn the men of Odysseus into pigs. She did this because she wanted to show the men that women had control and power. Another thing that happened is that Odysseus in her slept together. There was only one way in order to turn the men back to normal and that was for Odysseus to sleep with Circe.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters Summary

    Lotus Eaters Summary
    There are many reasons why Odysseus and his men went to the Land of the Lotus Eaters. One main reason that they went to land is that the natives encouraged them to go there and eat the plant. They didn't know that this plant was a drug and it did something bad to them. The plant made them lose memories of their home. After this, all of the men decided they want to stay on the land because of this drug. Then after this Odysseus had to drag all of the men onto the boat to leave the place
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters Analysis

    Lotus Eaters Analysis
    Something that we see about Odysseus is that we say he is a good leader but he didn't suspect the natives. What I mean is that they went there because they felt that the plant was some magical plant that could have helped him. This shows that they thogutht the natives were friendly people and they knew what they were talking about was true. I believe that he lost time when they went to the Lotus Eaters. I say they lost time because they could have spend that time going somewhere else.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops Analysis

    Cyclops Analysis
    This section of the story shows that Odysseus is really trying to get home to his wife and to his home. Another thing that we learn about Odyusses is his ability to make decisions that are going to help him and his men. This location helps us make a theme about Odysseus's character and about his leadership skills. We also learned that his crewmates trust him because they thought that Odyusses knew what he was doing was going to get them out.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens Summary

    Sirens Summary
    In this part of the section, it talks about sirens. Sirens are monsters that have incredible singing ability to make the people that are listening to go and do what they want without the person being under control. I believe that this really shows Learegisp. This shows leadership because Odyusses comes up with a plan to make beeswax in order to cancel out the sirens song. He only did this for his crewmates. he has his crewmates hold him back while they pass by and exist the place.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis Summary

    Scylla and Charybdis Summary
    In this section six of Odyussses men have died. Scylla and Charybdis are two immortals monsters that are overseers of the narrow waters. Odysseus ordered his men to avoid Charybdis and then they were forced to be faced with Scylla. This is when it was all over for the men and six of the men died trying to get past Scylla. Their ship was wrecked by Charybdis and he was trying to escape by waiting for wreckage to be brought back up again from the depths of Charybdis.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios’ cattle Analysis

    Helios’ cattle Analysis
    In this specific event, we can say that Odysseus's men weren't persuaded that easily. We can say that they don't get persuaded easily because they ate some of the cattle even though they were warned about their own existence that would be no longer a thing if they harmed the cattle. The reason that they ate the cattle is because of Eurylochus. He convinced them to eat the cattle and this resulted in their lives being erased of existence.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops Summary

     Cyclops Summary
    Odysseus and his men find a cave that they enter and treat themselves to food. Then after cyclops named Polyphemus returned to the cave, Odysseus offered him some wine that he brought with him on the trip. After that, Odysseus and his men decide to blind the cyclops. They do this instead of killing him because they knew that if they kill him then they wouldn't be able to escape the cave. This allowed them to escape the Cypleos in the morning without being seen.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus Bag of Wind Summary

    Aeolus Bag of Wind Summary
    When Odysseus goes to Aeolus- Bag of Wind, Aeoulsu presents him with a bag. This beag is presented with a bag. This bag has wind in it that will guide them home. In ten days Odysuses and his crewmates are within range of Itahcae and then his crewmates open that bag of wind. They believe that Odysseus was rewarded with gold and silver. Then when they open this bag of wind it brings them back to Aeolia. This means that they have to restart their journey back home and they wasted ten days.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind analysis

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind analysis
    This setting in Odyussesy shows us that his crew mates don't actually trust Odysesus. This shows that they don't trust him because Odyusses tells the men not to open the bag. They believe that's there is teusre but there is really wind that can fly them home. Then when the men open it it flys them back to the place they astted at. This developed a theme because we can know say that the loyalty amount that the stiroy showed doesn't protraty to this specific event.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe Analysis

    Circe Analysis
    We learned that Odyusses is a leader. We learned he is a leader because he chooses to do the simple task and slept with Circe instead of fighting her or just going full out on her. We can make a theme that his men are not controlled of themselves. We can make this theme because the crewmates have proven that they have no self-control and just decided to drink a drink from someone they don't even know.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens Analysis

    Sirens Analysis
    Well, I believe this shows great knowledge and understanding of his men from previous places. This shows that he understands his crewmate's strength because he knows that his men are not strong enough to hold that pain. He didn't put beeswax in his ears because he was going to be tied to the front of the ship and trying to listen for clues
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis Analysis

    Scylla and Charybdis Analysis
    This specific even shows us that Odysseus made a decision but he didn't know what would actually happen. I believe that he went 50/50 making the choice to have his men avoid Charybdis. Then after he gave that order six of his men died. This shows that Oddyusses can crack under pressure but I felt like he made the best decision and only six of the men died. I felt that his decision only cost him six of his men instead of more men.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios cattle Summary

    Helios cattle Summary
    In this section, they stayed at the Island of Thrinacia. They stay here for a total of six days. On those six days, they are brought food and everything they need to live. Helios threatens Odysseus and his men that if they harm the cattle that their ship will be destroyed and Odysseus's men will perish. After that, they ended up sailing and trying to get home but some of his men decided to eat some of the cattle and they died. Zeus kills only the rest of his men and sparing Odyusses.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors/Home Summary

    Suitors/Home Summary
    When Odysseus first got home he was dressed as an old man. He did this through the story so that no one would know his true identity. When he gets home he is still dressed as a beggar. This allowed him to see what was going on and to punish those people that were stabbing him in the back while he was gone. When Odysseus returns home the suitors treat him with kindness and offer him food. Then after he decides to kill the suitors because he witnesses their un-loyalty.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors/Home analysis

    Suitors/Home analysis
    This specif event shows that the suitors are not who they say they are. The suitors actually tried to marry Odyusses even though Odyusees was there witnessing all of this happening. This event can make an in-depth theme because this is adding on to all of the events that show Odyusses doesn't really have loyal friends or allies. We learned that Odysuses is smart in this event. I said he is smart because he stayed hidden and waited for the suitors to welcome him back home