
Nutrition and Older American Act

  • 1972

    Congress passed the National Nurtrition Program for the elderly, in 1972.
  • 1975

    Total amount of money allocated for the nutrition program was $125 million, 49% of OAA funds.
  • 1978

    Under Title III program combined nutrition services and home delivered meals.
  • Period: to


    Nutrition prgram available to all individuals over 60 and targets those who are in the most need. Number of home delivered meal began to grow as well as the federal spending budget.
  • 2002

    Amount of money allocated for the nutrition program grew to $592.2 million and 54% of federal budget.
  • 2006

    New purpose staement added focusing on nutrition and social aspects of nutrition as well as promoting health of older people
  • 2008

    States are required to match 15% in order to receive funds for congregate and home delivered meals.
  • 2010

    242 meals were deliverd to 2.6 million elderly individuals.
  • Final Event

    Final Event
    The nutrition program has become a major part of home and community based services. Before the enactment of the OAA there were limited access and resources to nutrition based programs. With older adults aging in place and not staying long in nursing homes and hospitals plan of care are now including home delivered meals as well as other nutritional services. With the aging pouplation constatly changing there will be mor changes made to the nutrition program to accomodate the needs of the elderly