Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of 1828

    The Tariff of 1828 would be signed by President John Quincy Adams as a protective tariff for the Northern Industries. This tariff would increase the prices of foreign goods so that more Americans would buy American made produce which would be more expensive. The Southerners and more South Carolina would be angered by this because it would decrease their profits from cotton, etc.
  • John C. Calhoun's South Carolina Exposition

    John C. Calhoun was the Vice President under the Jackson Administration as well as a politician from South Carolina. In the South Carolina Exposition, Calhoun would state that states had the right to nullify and oppressive legislation from the national government within its borders. In it Calhoun would also question the constitutionality of taxing imports.
  • Hayne and Webster Debate

    Hayne who was a supporter of Calhoun proposed an alliance between Southern/Western interests of low tariffs and cheap land. He would affirm the states right to nullify any oppressive legislation from the federal government. Webster would debate that the United States is not simply a compact of states but instead a creation of the people.He also said that a state had the right to sue or amend the Constitution on an action they disagreed from the federal government.They cannot however nullify it.
  • Tariff of 1832

    The Tariff of 1832 would be proposed by President Andrew Jackson. This tariff would lower the tariffs created by the Tariff of 1828. The tariffs would be somewhat lower but it would still have principles of protection for industries up north. This tariff was proposed to begin with to please South Carolina due to the Tariff of 1828. Most South Carolinians however would find this new tariff as unsatisfactory and would soon pursue action.
  • Ordinance of Nullification

    The Ordinance of Nullification would be adopted by South Carolina due to how dissatisfactory they found the Tariff of 1832 to be. They would declare both the Tariff of 1828 and Tariff of 1832 to be null and void within the state borders due to their dissatisfaction. Along with this ordinance the legislature would pass numerous laws in order to enforce the ordinance. It would allow for an army to be raised as well as the appropriation of arms.
  • Jacksons Proclamation

    President Jackson would go to South Carolina along with 7 small army vessels along with a man of war. Jackson would then give a proclamation to the people of South Carolina and tell them that he will use the army against them to enforce the tariffs. He did this because of the Ordinance of Nullification passed by the government of South Carolina.
  • Force Act / Compromise tariff

    Clay would propose the Compromise tariff which would lower the tariffs farther. This would please South Carolinians and lead them to appeal the Ordinance of Nullification. This would resolve the issue of Nullification. The Force Act would be passed alongside the tariff and it would give the president the power to use the military to enforce the laws of the government.