Norwood hanson

Norwood Russell Hanson August 17, 1924 - April 18, 1967

By jamuc
  • Indiana University

    Indiana University
    Founder of the Indiana University Department of History and Philosophy of Science which at that time, was the first of its kind.
  • Patterns of Discovery

    Patterns of Discovery
    Known to be Hanson's most famous work, Patterns of Discovery proposes that preconceptions are actually what determine what we see and perceive rather than our senses, which is common theory.
  • Concept of Positron

    Concept of Positron
    In Hanson's book titled "Concept of Positron" He defends the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics which is still widely taught.
  • Flying Professor

    Flying Professor
    Known as the 'Flying Professor', N. Russell Hanson heavily influenced a whole generation of students during his time teaching at Yale University, most notably John Kerry.