Battle of fish creek

North West Rebellion Timeline par: Kevin S.

  • Metis arrive to ask Riel for help

    Metis arrive to ask Riel for help
    4 Metis men ride to St. Peters to persuade Lous Riel to once again fight and bargain for the Aboriginals and Metis's rights. After 2 days of delay, Riel agrees to come with them to Batooche
  • Native's Thirst Dance

    Native's Thirst Dance
    Organized by Chief Big Bear, the meeting was held to discuss treaty 6 and the lack of government action as required by the treaty. By the middle of the month over 2000 natives have gathered to discuss their situations. The main concern was famine, without the buffalo and with crop failure, natives were dieing from starvation. Also treaty 6 promised relief from famine and diaster.
  • Duck Lake Skirmish

    Duck Lake Skirmish
    Superintendent Leif Crozier leads 55 N.W.M.P. and 43 Prince Albert volunteers from Fort Carlton and engages the Metis under the command of Gabriel Dumont one-mile west of Duck Lake. The N.W.M.P. are forced to retreat and Riel orders his troops not to pursue.
  • Looting of Battleford

    Looting of Battleford
    Chief Poundmaker arrives at Battleford with a Metis party, originally intend on negotiations. But finding the town abandoned, and the residents boarded up in a N.W.M.P. outpost the Metis party, angry from starvation, loots abandoned homes and buildings. Much to the dissatisfaction of Chief Poundmaker.
  • Frog Lake Massacre

    Frog Lake Massacre
    A Cree raiding party led by the young warchief Wandering Spirit attacked the small village of Frog Lake. Fueled by anger from what seems to be violation of the treaties. In the resulting confusion, 9 civilalians were killed, these included 2 priests and the native agent.
  • Battle of Fort Pitt

    Battle of Fort Pitt
    200 Cree warriors descended on Fort Pitt. They intercepted a police scouting party, killing a constable, wounding another, and captured a third. The garison commander was forced to negotiate due to being outnumbered.
  • Battle of Fish Creek

    Battle of Fish Creek
    200 metis soldiers achieved a remarkable victory over a N.W.M.P. force of 900. The set back although not being enough to change the outcome of the rebellion, stalled the column of soldiers on their mission to quelm the rebellion
  • Battle of Cut Knife

    Battle of Cut Knife
    Cree cheif Fine Day defeated the Canadian forces near Battle Ford
  • Battle of Batooche

    Battle of Batooche
    Middleton armies attacked Batoche itself. The greatly outnumbered Metis ran out of ammunition after a few countinuous days of siege and resorted to firing sharp objects and stones. However the result was defeat and Gabriel Dumont escaped across borders while Riel was captured
  • Louis Riel Charged With Treason

    Louis Riel Charged With Treason
    Louis Riel is charged with treason and is seen to have violated the British treason act and laws.
  • Trial of Louis Riel

    Trial of Louis Riel
    Standing before the all-white juries. Louis is found guilty of high treason. This is arguably the most famous trial in Canadian history. Also during the his trials, only one of the juries was a Francophone and he was unable to attend any of Riel's trials. Riel was hanged.