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niks canadian ww1 to ww2 timeline

  • Period: to

    world war one to world war 2

  • assasination of archduke franz

    franz ferdinand is assasinated by the black hand in the city of sarajavo
  • 1st battle of ypres

    1st battle of ypres
    the germans introduced gas warfare to the canadians and british solders
  • vimy ridge

    vimy ridge
    battle of vimy ridge.the great honor of taking vimy ridge had fallen to the canadians whom had proven themselves at ypres. by midmorning the ridge was under allied control thanks to the canadians who lost 3,598 men during this battle
  • world war 1 ends

    the war ends with america joining the war and crushing what is left of germany with 3,000,000 solders and massive artillery barrages which caused the germans to go into full retreat. it was clear that the war was over. peace negotiations soon began
  • treaty of versailles

    treaty of versailles
    (t.o.v) the treaty of versailles was the "peace" treaty signed by britain,france and america the treaty included the infamous war guilt clause(article 231) it forced germany to label itself as the lead cause of the war
  • winnipeg general strike

    winnipeg general strike
    monday,may 1919 the building and metal workers of winnipeg went on strike because they needed better wages and a shortened work week reduced from 60 hours to 44 hours the employers did not negotiate so the workers asked all unionized workers to strike with them 3 days later 30,000 workers were on strike in the streets the rcmp and army were called in to break it up some people were arrested for conspiracy because some thought it was a communist plot
  • electricity ( the juice)

    electricity ( the juice)
    (THE DAY AND MONTH ABOVE IS INCORRECT) electricity in canada changed everything people could buy electric stoves, washing machines,irons,vacuum cleaners and toasters they helped to take most of the work out of housework
  • entertainment

    entertainment was a big thing in the 1920s since people had free time they wanted to have fun so they went to see shows at the theatre or they saw the newest movie at the movie house some went dancing at the nightclubs where they could listen to jass music while having a good time with there friends
  • stock market

    stock market
    when the stock market came to canada many bought into the "get rich fast idea" as many made more money consumerism kicked in and canadians started using pay later plans and borrowing money from banks companys started to price products as high as possible but not everyone could afford them so things started to pile up in werehouses with no buyers
  • automobiles

    in canada cars were in full swing by 1925 cars such as the ford model T or the chevrolet series 490 were very popular around this time ford introduced the assembly line which made cars faster to produce
  • stock market crash

    stock market crash
    the crash came unexpectedly as the stock market had reached its peak prices began to slip most expected a turnaround but 5 days later on black tuesday things got even worse it soon became obvious that the economic downturn became a depression
  • relief camps

    relief camps
    young single men were hit hardest by the depression because employers were forced to cut staff they let the young single men go first seeing them as less dependent on the job so they drifted around looking for work but couldent find any so the government made relief camps to prevent things from getting violent they worked 8 hours a day 6 days a week and dug ditches,built roads and planted trees and recived cloths, a bed, food and 20 cents a day
  • the dustbowl

    the dustbowl
    the drought came in 1933 and stayed for 5 years until more rain comes the topsoil had dryed up and turned to dust strong winds whipped the dusts into black blizzards then the grass hoppers came and ate what was left some farmers moved to cities while some tryed to hold on
  • third reich

    third reich
    came to power in 1933 and had complete control thanks to the enableing act started to make germany more nazi through propaganda and rallies
  • on to ottawa trek

    on to ottawa trek
    1,500 men from british columbia's relief camps went on strike and they took over the city library an the hudsons bay store then one of the orginizers suggested that they should take the message to prime minister bennett but when they arrived in regina they were rounded up and arrested later resulting in the regina riots
  • blitzkrieg

    (means lightning war)the germans used their blitzkrieg stratagy to take over europe very fast they took over poland,denmark,the netherlands,norway,belgum and even france
  • dieppe

    we raided dieppe to relive pressure from russia,gain info on costal defences and to satisfy the restless soldiers we assulted dieppe with 5,000 soldiers the element of suprise was the key to victory but when we were boots down on the beach the germans were ready they had spotted the ships during broad daylight and seen us coming at the end of the we lost the battle and 2000 were captured and 900 were killed
  • d-day

    bombers hit the german defences all night long,at dawn the para troopers dropped behind enemy lines while the main force hit the beaches we had learned from the dieppe raid that the germans would see us in day light so we put decoys at dover to distract them while we attacked them on the beaches of normandy
  • holocaust

    1933-1945 when hitler came to power he started to discriminate the jewish population he later started to systematicly kill them like poison gas men women and children were herded into "showers" and murdered by clouds of poison gas

    the first ever atomic bomb was dropped by a lone american bomber named the "enola gay" it was dropped on the japanese city of hiroshima it killed 173,000 people but japan was not going to give up 3 days later it was dropped again on nagasaki 80,000 more people died from it. japan then surrendered unconditionally on august 14 1945-v-j day