New Innovations of the 19th Century

By Jagaleo
  • Count Alessandro Volta/ Electric battery

    Count Alessandro Volta/ Electric battery
    Count Alessandro Volta invents the first electric battery and gains the title of "Count".
  • Friedrich Serturner invents morphine

    Friedrich Serturner invents morphine
    This painkiller was a very impotant invention of the world and has made many operations possible in modern days.
  • Robert Fulton invents the first steamboat

    Robert Fulton invents the first steamboat
    First steam vessel was known as the "Clermont" and appeared in the River Hudson.
  • Humphry Davy invents the first "Electric light"

    Humphry Davy invents the first "Electric light"
    This was the first light bulb and gave man light without fire.
  • Joseph Nicephore Niepce

    Joseph Nicephore Niepce
    This was the first person to take a photograph
  • Rene Laennec invents the "Stethoscope"

    Rene Laennec invents the "Stethoscope"
    This device is used to hear the heartbeat of people and animals. This is still used by doctors today.
  • Michael Faraday invents the electric motor

    Michael Faraday invents the electric  motor
    The motor is used to power many devices.
  • Joseph Aspdin Patents Portland Cement

    Joseph Aspdin Patents Portland Cement
    Cement is used to pave the roads we drive, the sidewalks we walk on and many building are held together with bricks glued with cement.
  • William Sturgeon Invents the Electromagnet

    The Electromagnet is used in many pieces of machinery today and were first utilized as part of the early generation of electricity.
  • John Walker invents modern Matches

    John Walker invents modern Matches
    Matches have made fire accessible to anyone who can spark a match. With a simple action fire is granted to the user and can be used for a variety of purposes.
  • Frenchmen, Louis Braille invents Braille printing

    Frenchmen, Louis Braille invents Braille printing
    No one who have ever forseen that those who are blind could read. But with the invention of Braille, those who can't see are taught to feel the words on the print and read.
  • Frenchmen, Barthelemy Thimonnier invents sewing machine

    Frenchmen, Barthelemy Thimonnier invents sewing machine
    This machine has been a major invention. It is used to design clothes for people and make it easier.
  • Cyrus H. McCormick invents "Reaper"

    Cyrus H. McCormick invents "Reaper"
    This device was used in many farms and helped quicken the harvesting of grain.
  • Jacob Perkins invents "Ether ice machine"

    Jacob Perkins invents "Ether ice machine"
    This was the very first refrigerator.
  • Samuel Morse invents "Telegraph"

    Samuel Morse invents "Telegraph"
    This device was used to communicate far distances with a sound.
  • Sir William Robert Grove concieves the first "Hydrogen fuel cell"

     Sir William Robert Grove concieves the first "Hydrogen fuel cell"
    This cell didnt produce enough electricity to be considered useful.
  • Samuel Morse invents "Morse code"

    Samuel Morse invents "Morse code"
    This was the form of communication used on the "telegraph".
  • William Morton invents "Anesthesia"

    William Morton invents "Anesthesia"
    This chemical is what made surgery doable and figuratively took the pain away from man.
  • Ignaz Semmelweis introduced anticeptic measures

    Ignaz Semmelweis introduced anticeptic measures
    This man gave the theory that washing your hands before surgery could reduce the risk of infection. He also introduced antseptis into the medical field.
  • Jean Lenoir invents successful internal combustion engine

    This has been used to power many machines including modern cars.
  • Alexander Parkes invents first man made plastic

    Alexander Parkes invents first man made plastic
    Plastic has had many uses. Mostly in disposable utensils
  • Alfred Nobel invents Dynamite

    Alfred Nobel invents Dynamite
    This invention has had its good and bad effects on the world. It has been from blasting through rocks to being used to blow up a building.
  • J.P. Knight invents the traffic light

    J.P. Knight invents the traffic light
    This invention has helped maintain the peace on the road. Without the traffic light, cars would be driving the road loosely and more accidents would occur.
  • Alex Graham Bell invents the phone

    Alex Graham Bell invents the phone
    This invention has made it long distance communication easy to anybody. You don't have to learn a code like when using the telegraph. You speak into the device and communicate with the person on the other end.
  • Eadweard Muybridge invents the first moving picture

    Eadweard Muybridge invents the first moving picture
    This invention was the first stepping stone to modern day movies. At the beginning it was a collaboration of a bunch of photographs together that had a result of movement.
  • John Milne invents modern seismograph

    John Milne invents modern seismograph
    This invention has been very important in history. The Seismograph helps to indicate an earthquake and its magnitude.
  • Harim Maxim invents Machine gun

    Harim Maxim invents Machine gun
    The machine gun has been used many times in war as a weapon of mass destruction. It may be a violent weapon, but it has helped win battles.
  • Josephine Cochrane invents dishwasher

    Josephine Cochrane invents dishwasher
    The dishwasher has made the lives of many men and women get through the process of washing dishes after a meal quicker and easier.
  • Lumiere brothers invent the Portable motion-picture camera

    Lumiere brothers invent the Portable motion-picture camera
    This device is used to capture a moments in time to be seen again later by many for memories or entertainment.
  • Edward Prescott patents rollercoaster

    Edward Prescott patents rollercoaster
    The rollercoaster hasn't really had a major impact on society, but it is an invention that can grant the rider a thrill. Many rollercoaster have been made following the example from the first one by Prescott.