
Neil Armstrong

  • Born de Neil Arsmtrong

    Born de Neil Arsmtrong
    Born Wapakoneta, Ohio,
  • Studies

    Aeronautical engineering at Purdue University
  • landing

    El alunizaje tuvo lugar varios segundos después de las 20:17:40 UTC del 20 de julio de 1969
  • After the mission Apolo 11

    Administrador Asociado Adjunto de aeronáutica en la Oficina de Investigación y Tecnología Avanzada, perteneciente a la Agencia de Proyectos de Investigación Avanzados (ARPA)
  • technological and scientific development

    technological and scientific development
    A great man who gave his human contribution to NASA an incredible evolution in science and technology . With the arrival of man moon space travel became more frequent , technological developments and scientists saw a boom in them. manned missions, satellites, space probes, etc. are some productions that have developed generic space agencies ... and still do .
  • Inventions to improve the quality of life

    Inventions to improve the quality of life
    Many inventions were born for space travel almost 50 years ago today are of daily use, such as:
    • Cordless drill Wireless, digital thermometers, disposable diapers, contact lenses, Teflon, GPS, barcode, velcro etc.
    Advances in scientific studies, not only in space science but also in medicine, chemistry and physics. For example, the cardiac monitoring Creating dehydrated foods, drugs and vitamin tablets in small doses, to feed and care for the health of astronauts in their missions
    Perhaps th