Nedkellyr 468x574

ned kelly

  • Ned Kelly is born

    Ned Kelly was born in Beveridge or Wallan, Victoria no one really knows.
  • Ned saves a boy.

    Ned saves a boy.
    Ned Kelly saved a boy from drowning in the lake.
  • Ned gets sent to gaol.

    Ned gets sent to gaol.
    This is a good websiteNed Kelly is charged with robbing a bank and assaulting. His charges were dismissed but he had to spend 10 days in jail.
  • first arrest

    first arrest
    Ned gets his first gaol sentanceing for violent assualt.
  • second arrest

    second arrest
    Ned is sent to gaol for the second time for horse stealing.
  • Ned goes to gaol.

    Ned goes to gaol.
    Ned is goaled for six months hard labour for stealing a horse.
  • Ned has a horse stealing business

    Ned has a horse stealing business
    Ned and his step father George King operate a horse stealing business.
  • constable Alexander Fitzpatyrick injured

    constable Alexander Fitzpatyrick injured
    constable Alexander fitzpatric was injured at the kelly household trying to arrest Dan Kelly for horse stealing.
  • His mother

    His mother
    Ned Kellys' mother is sentenced to three years hard labour for attepted murder of constable Fitzpatric.
  • The Kelly gang is declared outlaws

    The Kelly gang is declared outlaws
    The K elly gang was declared outlaws by the victorian government.
  • The reward

    The reward
    The reward for the capture of Ned Kellys' gang dead or alive is raised. The reward is 8000 pounds.
  • Ned Kellys' gang is captured

    Ned Kellys' gang is captured
    [t](<a href='' >ned Kelly footage</a>Ned Kelly and his gang was captured in the town of Jrilderie and robbed a bank of New South Wales.
  • The Kelly Gangss last stand.

    The Kelly Gangss last stand.
    The Kelly Gangs' last stand at the Glenrowane Inn. Dan Kelly, Steve Heart and Joe Byrn are killed.
  • Aaron sherritt was shot dead.

    Aaron sherritt was shot dead.
    On the 26th of June 1880 Aaron Sherritt was shot dead by Joe Byrne while the police was hiding under the bed.
  • The sentencing of Ned.

    The sentencing of Ned.
    Ned is sentenced to death.
  • Ned Kelly is hung.

    Ned Kelly is hung.
    Ned Kelly was hung at the old Melbourne gaol.