Neco Bruns

By kellerb
  • John F Kennedy was born

    John F Kennedy was born
  • JFK entered Harvord University

    JFK entered Harvord University
  • JFK Graduted form Harvord University

    JFK Graduted form Harvord University
  • JFK went into the U.S.A. Navy

    JFK went into the U.S.A. Navy
  • JFK won a seat in the House of Repesentives

  • JFK ran for Senate and won

  • John F. Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier

    John F. Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier
  • JFK married Jacquline Bouvier

    JFK married Jacquline Bouvier
  • JFK and his wife had four kids

    JFK and his wife had four kids
  • JFK ran for president and nominated in July

    JFK ran for president and nominated in July
  • JFK was assassinated by Lee H Osward

    JFK was assassinated by Lee H Osward
  • Jack Ruby shot and killed Osward