N holocaust wiesel 130127

Nazi Initiatives Against the Jews

  • 25 Point Party Program

    25 Point Party Program
    Hitler revealed his plan to segregate Aryans from Jews and to abolish their human rights.
  • Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service

    Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
    This law stated that Jews (and many other "non-Aryans") were not to be hired into state service. This was the first formulation of the Aryan Paragraph.
  • Laws against Jewish workers

    Laws against Jewish workers
    Jews are banned from the German Labor Front
  • Hitler Declares Himself Fuhrer

    Hitler Declares Himself Fuhrer
    After the death of President Hindenburg on this day, Hitler combined the offices of president and Reich Chancellor
  • Nuremburg Laws

    Nuremburg Laws
    Hitler passes the Nuremburg Laws, also known as The Law For German Blood Protection and Honor, declaring Jewish folk as a seperate race and ridding them of their human rights. Whether or not one was Jewish was now based on ancestry, in other words, it was no longer based on one's beliefs or lifestyle, but now based completely off race.
  • 1936 Berlin Olympics

    1936 Berlin Olympics
    In 1936, Berlin hosted the Olympics, not without controversy. The U.S. warned Germany of issuing a boycott until the Germans reassured them that German Jews would be allowed to participate. However, only 2 Germans with Jewish ancestry were entered into the competition, not one of them being Gretel Bergmann, one of the world's highest jumpers at the time. Germany saw this as a good chance to promote Nazism, erecting stadiums and other showpieces as Nazi propaganda.
  • Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)

    Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)
    Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels gave the okay for a free for all Jewish looting, which came to be known as the Night Of Broken Glass, because of the mass destruction of Jewish synagogues, and thousands of Jewish owned business and homes. Approximately 100 Jews were murdered on this night, and around 30,000 were arrested and sent to concentration camps.
  • Beginning of World War II

    Beginning of World War II
    Germany invades Poland, marking the official start of World War II. The New Order was put into effect, its goal being to abuse and entirely exterminate all undesirables, pertaining mostly to Jews and Slavs, but including anyone not of the Aryan Race.