Natural Disasters

  • 79

    Mt Vesuvius Italy

    Mt Vesuvius Italy
    This was caused by pyroclastic flow
  • 115

    Anta kaya Turkey

    Anta kaya Turkey
    This was a magnitude 7.5 earthquake and caused an estimated 260 000 deaths
  • 525

    Anta kaya Turkey (Again)

    Anta kaya Turkey (Again)
    This was a magnitude 7 earthquake and caused an estimated 250 000 deaths.
  • Jan 1, 893

    Dvina Armenia

    Dvina Armenia
    The magnitude is unknown but it was very destructive and it is estimated that only 100 buildings were left standing.
  • Jan 1, 1139

    Gyandzhe Azerbaijan

    Gyandzhe Azerbaijan
    The magnitude of this earthquake is unknown but it was very destructive
  • Jan 1, 1556

    Shanxi China

    Shanxi China
    This earthquake was a magnitude 8 on the Richter Scale and caused an estimated 830 000 deaths.
  • Southern Italy

    Southern Italy
    Caused by a magnitude 7.5 earthquake
  • Lassen Peak California

    Lassen Peak California
    It is unknown how this eruption started
  • Gansu China

    Gansu China
    This was a magnitude 8.3 earthquake and spread across 7 provinces and regions
  • Tokyo Japan

    Tokyo Japan
    This was a magnitude 7.9 earthquake.
  • Kilauea Hawaii

    Kilauea Hawaii
    This was caused by falling rocks
  • Valdivia Tsunami Chile

    Valdivia Tsunami Chile
    This tsunami was caused by a magnitude 9.5 earthquake.
  • Tangshan China

    Tangshan China
    This was a magnitude 7.5 earthquake on the Richter Scale and caused an estimated 242 769 deaths.
  • Mt St. Helens Washington

    Mt St. Helens Washington
    This earthquake was caused by ash buildup
  • Sumatra Indonesia

    Sumatra Indonesia
    This was a magnitude 9.1 earthquake and caused a large tsunami from 15 to 30 meters tall.
  • Indian Ocean Tsunami

    Indian Ocean Tsunami
    Caused by an underwater earthquake that was magnitude 9.1
  • Haiti Port-au-Prince

    Haiti Port-au-Prince
    This earthquake was magnitude 7 and caused an estimated 316 000 deaths