Natural Disasters

  • Tsunamis - Lisbon 3

    Tsunamis - Lisbon 3
    This Tsunamis killed 70,000 people.
  • Volcanoes - Laki, Iceland 3

    Volcanoes - Laki, Iceland 3
    This Volcano lasted about 8 months.
  • Volcanoes - Mount Tambora, Indonesia 1

    Volcanoes - Mount Tambora, Indonesia 1
    This Volcano was the most powerful in 500 years.
  • Volcanoes - Krakatoa, Indonesia 2

    Volcanoes - Krakatoa, Indonesia 2
    This Volcano killed about 36,000 people
  • Volcanoes - Mount Pelee, Carribbean 4

    Volcanoes - Mount Pelee, Carribbean 4
    This Volcano was strong enough to kill everyone but 2 people
  • Earthquakes - Ecuador, Colombia 7

    Earthquakes - Ecuador, Colombia 7
    The Earthquake at the Ecuador was measured to be a 8.8. It killed about 500 people.
  • Earthquakes - Assam, Tibet 9

    Earthquakes - Assam, Tibet 9
    The Assam Earthquake measured to a 8.6. This Earthquake killed about 4800 people and caused about 1526 fatalities.
  • Earthquakes - Kamchatka, Russia 5

    Earthquakes - Kamchatka, Russia 5
    The Kamchatka Earthquake magnitude of this Earthquake is a 9.0. This Earthquake killed about 10,000 to 15,000.
  • Earthquakes - Valdivia 1

    Earthquakes - Valdivia 1
    The Valdivia Earthquake was measured at a 9.5. Creating the worlds biggest Earthquake. This Earthquake broke almost 400,000 kilometers in land.
  • Earthquakes - Great Alaska 2

    Earthquakes - Great Alaska 2
    The Great Alaska Earthquake was the second highest earthquake. Measuring at a solid 9.2. The Earthquake killed 115 people and 50 people were in extreme hospitalization.
  • Earthquakes - Rat Island 8

    Earthquakes - Rat Island 8
    The Rat Island was measured at a 8.7. It killed about 780-1000. Most of the buildings on the Island sunk or were crushed.
  • Earthquakes - Sumatra 3

    Earthquakes - Sumatra 3
    The Sumatra Earthquake was the 3rd highest causing some big damage. This Earthquake magnitude was 9.1, it struck the whole west coast. This Earthquake killed about 5400 and 2000 of them were tourists.
  • Tsunamis - Sumatran 1

    Tsunamis - Sumatran 1
    This Tsunamis killed 227, 898
  • Earthquakes - Maule, Chile 6

    Earthquakes - Maule, Chile 6
    The Maule Earthquake was measured at a 8.8 and killed about 521 deaths and about 46 people were missing they were presumed dead. This Earthquake cost about $30 billion in damage.
  • Earthquakes - Tohoku 4

    Earthquakes - Tohoku 4
    This Earthquake measured at a whopping 9.1. It struck about 130 kilometers of Tohoku largest city. This Earthquake killed about 19,759.
  • Tsunamis - Tohoku 2

    Tsunamis - Tohoku 2
    This Tsunamis killed 19, 759.
  • Earthquakes - Indian Ocean

    Earthquakes - Indian Ocean
    This Earthquake was measured to a 8.6. This Earthquake cost about $9.4 billion in damages.