Natural disaster timeline

  • Apr 13, 1360

    Blackmonday Hailstorm

    Blackmonday Hailstorm
    This hailstorm is know for killing roughly 1000 English soldiers. It also played a key role in the Hundred Years'War
  • Sicily Earthquake of 1693

    Sicily Earthquake of 1693
    This earthquake destroyed 45 cities. The death tole was greater than 60,000.
  • Spanish Influenza

    Spanish Influenza
    The Spanish flue started in march and spread throughout the world. This Influenza caused the deaths of 20 million to 40 million people.
  • Yangtze River Floods

    Yangtze River Floods
    When torrential rain hit sounthern China in august it caused a flood. This flood killed almost 3.7 million people. It was considered the worst natural disaster of the 20th century.
  • Indian Ocean Earthquake

    Indian Ocean Earthquake
    This earthquake had a magnitude of 9.15 it lasted 10 seconds, but cause a tsunami. The tsunami killed 200,00 to 310,000 people.
  • Pakistan Earthquake (2005)

    Pakistan Earthquake (2005)
    An earthquake hit Pakistan in 2005 with a magnitude of 7.5. Over $5.4 billion of aid arrieved from all over to help.
  • Hati Earthquake (2010

    Hati Earthquake (2010
    This earthquake had a magnitude of 7 and a debth of 8.1 miles that struch Hati. This disaster caused over 200,000 deaths.
  • East Africa Drought

    East Africa Drought
    This drought caused a food crises which caused wide spread death and famine. The livelyhood of more than 9.5 million people was involved.
  • New Zealand Earthquake

    New Zealand Earthquake
    This earthquake hit New Zealand with a magnitude of 6.3. This earthquake also caused $16 billion worth of damages.
  • Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami

    Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami
    Japan was hit with a magnitude 9.0 earthquake followed by a tsunami. It was the 7th largest earthquake in the world and left 15 million people dead.