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Native American Rights

  • Cowbell v. Salzar and the Claims Resolution Act

    Cowbell v. Salzar and the Claims Resolution Act
    Cowbell v. Salazar was a class-action lawsuit brought to court by Elouise Cobell and other Native American supporters in 1996 against the Department of Interior and the Department of the Treasury. The plaintiffs argued that the US government accounted for the income from Indian trusts incorrectly. When the case settled in 2010, they asked for $3.4 billion dollars to be paid to the plaintiffs. The Claims Resolution Act provided funding for the agreements settled by the Cobell lawsuit
  • occupation of Alcatraz

    occupation of Alcatraz
    The occupation of Alcatraz was when native Americans took over the island of Alcatraz and held it as Indian land. The natives thought it was unfair for the US to own this island because the natives discovered it first. It held for 14 months as Indian land where they eventually were forced out by the federal government.
  • Foundation of Aim

    Foundation of Aim
    The American Indian Movement (AIM) was founded on July 28, 1968. AIM became an organization to promote American Indians rights. Men, Woman, and Children of American Indian Culture met to found AIM. AIM was devoted to fixing the injustices, and mistreatment of the American Indian Populations that have been brutally mistreated. AIM committed to keeping Indian people safe on streets after brutal attack for years.
  • Occupation of Wounded Knee by Oglala Sioux 1973

    Occupation of Wounded Knee by Oglala Sioux 1973
    The Wounded Knee incident happened on the pine ridge Indian reservation February 27, 1973, when 200 Oglala Lakota and supporters of the American Indian Movement occupied the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota.
  • Native Americans Language Act

    Native Americans Language Act
    The Native American Languages Act of 1990 legislated by Congress on October 30, 1990. The Public Law 101-477 of 1990 Declared that Native Americans are entitled to use their own languages. The policy stated that the US Government declares to preserve and protect the rights and freedoms of the Native Americans to use and develop their own languages.