Nation breacking

  • Wimot Proviso

    This Bill aimed to outlaw slavery in areas taken from Mexico. The bill passed in the House of Representives but lost in the Senet. This created a divison in Congress.
  • Period: to

    Breacking Nation

  • Compromise of 1850

    The compromise settled problems that the north and south were having. The compromise stoped the fighting for a while but the south people started to get mad.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    It allowed people to vote for slavery to be allow in areas that were baned in the Missouriu compromise.
  • Bleeding kansas

    There were more pro slaver people settlers then people against slavery coming to the territories that were allowing slaver.
  • Caning of Sumner

    Seneter Sumner was giving a speach and had made fun of A.P Buttler while his cousion Broocks was there so he went in to Sumner's office and repedidly hit him with a cane.
  • Dred Scott V. Sandford

    Scott was a slave that was once in free territory with his owner but he did not run away because he liked his master, but when his master died his son took over and he was harsh so Scott tried to sue Sabdford saying that he was once in free territory and should be free. But when Scott sued he was not only in slave territory also he was not a U.S citizen.
  • Attack on Harpers Ferry.

    The attack was led by John Brown, a extream abolitionist. One day he and his sons attacked arsenal in Harpers Ferry trying to are every local slave but no one came. Brown's sons died and Brown was hanged.
  • Election

    The elction between the main people running for presdient was between Licoln, Douglas, Bell and another man named Breckinridge and the south thought if Licoln won he would put a end to slavery. So they said they voluntarily joined so they also have the right to secede if Lincoln won and he did. The First to seced from the Union was South Carolina.