
Natalie nguyen's biography (sister)

  • Natalie nguyen's birth

    Natalie was born on this day in Sydney, Banks town.
  • First big birthday party

    Natalie's birthday party had all relatives from all over Australia come over to celebrate. It was truly a birthday to remember for all.
  • Natalie's first day in primary school

    This was a special day for he because she was very eager and keen to attend primary school to make new friends and start learning about the basics of life.
  • Learnt how to ride a bike

    Natalie learnt how to successfully ride a without training wheels. She was so happy for it that she started to ride her bike to school from then on.
  • Natalie's first visit to see Grandma

    Grandma was at Vietnam so we had to fly there and when we finally got there Natalie was very shy at the beginning but slowly started to admire the family in Vietnam more and more.
  • Natalie finishes primaryschool

    Natalie graduates from the primary school Our Lady's Assumption and goes to graduation night on the very same day.
  • Highschool year

    Natalie starts highschool for the first time and is nervous about attending a new school with older people, new rules and a new life.
  • First job

    Natalie started her first job in KFC outside centro galleria, It was a tiresome job and she always worked at night
  • Homecoming

    Natalie finally returns from her absence and comes home for the first time in months. She is reunited with tears from mom and dad both
  • Family issues

    Natalie and mom have a huge fight so Natalie runs away for about 4 months and doesnt contact us during the duration of her absence.
  • Responsibilities

    She enrolled herself in her own school at sydney and takes her on responsibilities on getting herself there
  • Travelling away

    Natalie goes away and lives in Sydney with my aunty and is now currently there at the moment contacting us whenever she has free time to do so.