Nancy cartwright 1990s

Nancy Cartwright (January 24, 1944- present)

  • Cartwright's Philosophy of Science and Contributions

    Carl Hoefer describes Cartwright's view of Philosophy as a form of empiricism. "she is concerned with how actual science achieves the successes it does, and what sort of metaphysical and epistemological presuppositions are needed to understand that success." Reference: Besides the most recent Hempel award, attached is the full list of honors and awards..
  • A profile of Nancy Cartwright, Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method.

    Cartwright here gives a brief video description of her research at the time as well as a bit of a look into her research style.
  • First woman honored with prestigious Hempel Award

    Established in 2012, the Hempel Award recognized lifetime achievement in the philosophy of science as well as scholarly excellence. The award is named after German writer and Philosopher Carl Gustav Hempel. Nancy Cartwright has been the 4th person to receive this award and is the first woman to do so.
  • Teaching Career

    Nancy Cartwright is an American Philosopher and currently professor of Philosophy at the University of California San Diego as well as the University of Durham. Her teaching experience includes positions at the University of Maryland, Stanford University, and The London School of Economics.