Social media

My Social Media History

By P3R5I4N
  • First Social Messaging account, MSN

    First Social Messaging account, MSN
    This was my very first social media messaging account being msn/hotmail, still use it to this day.
  • Myspace account made

    Myspace account made
    Created my very first and last myspace acccount! Used it for one year I think then stopped.
  • Facebook account created

    Facebook account created
    Created a Facebook account. Closed it within the first month during school. No privacy whatsoever and did not like it. No account made to this day.
  • Photobucket account!

    Photobucket account!
    Made a photobucket account because I had to for a school assignment. Never used it again.
  • Twitter!!!

    Created twitter account to get the word out of my website. Currently have 304,734 followers and am following 10,233 fellow tweeters! (dont ask about website as I remain anonymous)
  • Youtube account made!

    Youtube account made!
    Created a youtube account for my website and also a personal one, I use both and I love the new look of the new youtube.
  • Skype!

    Joined the skype craze!!!
  • Flickr has joined my long list of log-in lists!

    Flickr has joined my long list of log-in lists!
    Made Flickr to play around with it and see what all the fuss was all about. Love the feel of it however have no current use for it.
  • LinkedIn

    joined LinkedIn and currently have ony 2 links lol
  • Blogger!

    Created a Blogger account for Social Media class!
  • Animoto!

    Created an Animodo account to make short video for a social media class!