My Rotten Redheaded Brother-Rebecca Esquivel

  • exposition

    This story is about Trisha,Richerd, and her grandma,Bubby.Trisha can not stand her red headed older brother ,Richerd,This all takes place in a farm.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    Trisha absolutly loves her grandma,Bubby,but she has no idea how her grandma likes her brother Richard.Her brother always says that he can do everything better than her.Trisha absolutly hates him all because of that.Oh how she wishes that she can do something,anything better than him.Trisha gets an idea,to do a contest to see who can eat the most rubarb.Richerd stills wins poor Trisha.Trisha felt so sick she did not want to do anymore contests.It is now night and Bubby sees a shoting star.
  • Climax

    Trisha than sees a shooting star.She wishes that she can do anything better than her brother.Trisha spits between her two fingers and slaps her chest,now the wish will come true.The next day the carnival comes and she can not wait for her wish to come true.She sees the merry-go-round and does a contest with her brother.Trisha wins the compotision!
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Trisha falls off of the merry-go-round.That was the last thing that Trisha could remember.Her brother had carried her all the way home,then ran to get the doctor to help Trisha.They both felt closer now.They actually felt like brother and sister now.
  • Resolution

    She likes her brother she now feels closer together with her brother.Trisha,Bubby and Richard all went outside to sleep in the grass."Hold on to the grass my dears"Bubby said to them."For not you will float into the sky."Then they fell asleep in the grass.