My Rotten Red Head Brother: SenjinNaolu

  • Exposition

    This story is about a girl who wants to prove that she can do something better than her red headed brother. The main characters are Trisha and Richard. The setting of the story is in Michigan. The climax of the story is that Richard can do alot of things better than her sister Trisha.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    The rising action of the story is when Richard did everything better than Trisha. He was able to pick more berries than her and also run faster than Trisha. She tried to prove that she was better than him by eating a really sour root, but she failled to win against him.
  • Climax

    The climax of the story was when a movable carnival came to Trisha`s field. She saw that there was a merry go round and she bet her brother that he can`t stay on it as long as she can. Once they were on the ride, Richard finally got of of it and Trisha finally
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Once Trisha woke up, she told her grandma what happend and that she passed out and Richard carried her to the docter and had to get stiches. Once Richard came and saw Trisha, she said thank you to him.
  • Resolution

    The resolution of the book is when Trisha and Richard get along together. They sit down on their yard with thier grandma and sleep on the grass together.