my life

  • I was born

    I was born
    i don't remember any of it
  • my first valentines day

    my first valentines day
    I had tons of chocolate and food
  • my 1st word

    my 1st word
    my first word was mama
  • my first birthday

    my first birthday
    I got new toys
  • a pool opened up

    a pool opened up
    i probably loved it
  • 2nd birthday

    2nd birthday
    I had cake
  • I learned to swim

    I learned to swim
  • 3rd birthday

    3rd birthday
    there was cake
  • 4rth birthday

    4rth birthday
    there were cupcakes
  • won third place

    won third place
    Joe and I won third place for twins most different
  • 5th birthday

    5th birthday
    there were presents
  • 6th b-day

    6th b-day
    there were pickle wraps
  • went to the alamo

    went to the alamo
    it was very cool
  • my 7th b-day

    my 7th b-day
    there was cake
  • my 8th b-day

    my 8th b-day
    there was food
  • my 9th b-day

    my 9th b-day
    there was sugary food
  • 10th b-day

    10th b-day
    there were pancakes
  • ragbrai

    we had some people stay at our house and one of them was deaf
  • my 11th b-day

    my 11th b-day
    there was cake
  • adventure race

    adventure race
    My dad hosted a Winnebago river adventure race
  • broke my wrist

    broke my wrist
    I fell while rollerblading and broke my wrist