
My Computer History Timeline

  • Period: 500 to

    My Computer History Timeline

  • Jan 31, 600

    The Abacus

    The Abacus
    The Abacus was invented around 600BC. Many historians believe this was the start of computers. However, the inventor of the Abacus its unknown. The Abacus is an instrument for performing calculations by sliding counters along rods or in grooves
  • Jan 29, 1488

    Moveable-Type Printing Press

    Moveable-Type Printing Press
    The Type Printing Press was the rebirth of the information technology and has a lot to do with todays technology. Moveable-Type Printing Press is a machine that transfers lettering or images by contact with various forms of inked surface onto paper or similar material fed into it in various ways
  • The Pascalene

    The Pascalene
    The pascalene was the first accurate mechanical calculator. This machine created by the french mathematician Blaise Pascal used revolutions of gears , like odometerss in cars do, to count by tens. The Pascalene could be used to add, subtract, multiply and divide.
  • Analytic Engine

    Analytic Engine
    The first Analitic calculator design by Charles Babbage was the Analytic Engine. The machine was actually based on another machine called the Difference Machine, which was huge steam-powered mechanical calculator that Babbage designed to print astronomical tables.
  • Jacquard Loon

    Jacquard Loon
    joseph Jacquard revolutionized the fabric industry by creating a machine that automated the weaving of complex patterns. Although, not counting or calculating machine, The Jacquard Loom was significant because it relied on stiff cards with punched holes to automate the weaving process. much later this punch card method would be used in computers to record and read data.
  • Hollerth Tabulating Machine

    Hollerth Tabulating Machine
    Hollerth Tabulating Machine used punch cards to tabulate census data. Without the Tabulating machine it would take much more time. Hollerth's Tabulating machine automatically read the data that had been puched onto small punch cards.
  • Z1

    German inventor Konrad Zuse is credited with a number of computing inventions. his first was a mechanical calculator called Z1. the Z1 is thought to be the first computer to include certain features that are integral to todays system's such a control units and separete memory functions.
  • The Turing Machine

    The Turing Machine
    created by a Britishmathematician Alan Turing, it could logical operations. The Turing Machine was not a real machine but rather a hypothetical model that mathematical defined a mechanical procedure. It could delete or write symbols in a square of an infinite paper tape. This concept of an infinite tape that could be read, written to, and erased was the procedure o today's RAM.
  • Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

    Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
    Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) built by John Atanasoff, a professor at Iowa State University and his student Clifford Berry were the creators of the first electrical powered dgital computer. it was he first to use vacuum tubes, insead of mechanical switches used in older computers, to stored data. although it weighted more than 700 pounds it was the first computer to use the Binary System. ABC would end up being central to that of future computers.
  • The ENIAC

    The ENIAC
    The Electrical Numeral and Computer (INIAC) was another U.S. government sponsored machine develop to calculate the settings used for weapons. Created by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckertat the University of Pennsylvania . First succesful high-speed electronic digital computer, it was big and clumsy. it covered a whole room and required multiple people to function.
  • The Harvard Mark I

    The Harvard Mark I
    from the late !930s to 1950s, Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper designed the mark series of computers at harvard university. The U.S Navy used this computers for ballistic and gunnery calculations. it could perform all 4 arithmetic operations.
  • The UNIVAC

    The UNIVAC
    The universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC) was the first commercially succesfull electronic digital computer. it ran on punch cards. it operated on magnetic tape unlike its competitors that were ran on punched cards
  • The Altair

    The Altair
    The journey to personal computers begin in 1975. at that time most most people were unfamiliar with the mainframes and supercomputers that large comrporations nd the government owned. Most people didnt buy this because the cost was too high.
  • The Apple I and II

    The Apple I and II
    Steve Wozniak an employee at Hewlett-Packard, was becoming fascinated wit the burgeoning personal computer industry and was dabbling with his own computer design. he met Steve Jobs, who was working for computer game manufacturer Atari at that time, liked Wozniak's prototypes and made few suggestions. Together they built a personal computer known as the Apple I. They formed Apple Computer Company. later in 1977 they built Apple II. it included a color monitor, sound, and game paddle.
  • The Commodore PET and TRS-80

    The Commodore PET and TRS-80
    Apples strongest competitor The Commodore. it was "The new $595 home computer". TRS-80 Model had sold approximatly 10,000 units. easy to use machine included a monochrome display 4 KB of memory.
  • The Osborne

    The Osborne
    The Osborne was the first portable computer created by The Osborne Company. Although, portable it weighted 24.5 pounds, and it's screen was just 5 inches wide. the cost was $1,795 with 64 KB of memory. 2 floppy disks drives and preinstalled programs such as word processing and spreadsheet software.
  • IBM PC

    IBM PC
    IBM released its first personal computer the IBM PC. it came with 64 KB of memory expandable to 256 KB, price of $1,565.