Mussolini Timeline

  • Formation of Independent Italy

    Formation of Independent Italy
    I chose this photo because it is a map of the beginning borders of an independent Italian nation and accurately represents the amount of land and partial 'glory' that the Italians had in their historic land.
  • Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy

    Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy
    I chose this photo because it is able to accurately represent the amount of land that the new Italian nation took from the Papal states at the time and what historic land they were looking to take for their own prestige.
  • Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa

    Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa
    I chose this image because it represents the brutal fighting that occurred during the first Italo-Ethiopian war and that it was a conquest for Italy to only gain more land for the good of their nation.
  • Italy invades and takes over Libya

    Italy invades and takes over Libya
    I chose this picture because it shows a visual representation of Italy and the control they had over Libya because of the eventual colonization that Italy used to take over the area.
  • Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti

    Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti
    I chose this photo because it is the front page of the Avanti which is the newspaper that Mussolini ended up editing for because of his strong socialist views which aligned with those of the paper at the time.
  • Mussolini kicked out of the Socialist Party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WW1

    Mussolini kicked out of the Socialist Party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WW1
    I chose this picture because it shows one of the first logos of the Italian socialist party and the signature details that defined socialism all around Europe during that time period and even today like the sickle and hammer.
  • Treaty of London

    Treaty of London
    I chose this image because it shows the land details of the treaty in which represented the recognized borders of Italy and then blacked out patches of land which were to be "given back" to Italy once the allies won the war and the eventual historic significance of this treaty later during the inter-war years.
  • Beginning of Biennio Rosso

    Beginning of Biennio Rosso
    I chose this image because it shows an armed worker who is occupying a factory in Milan, showing the troubled nature of the working class during this time.
  • Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan

    Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan
    This picture was chosen as it was the symbol of the Fascio di Combattimento and represents what the party stood for when it was first created.
  • D'Annunzio takes Fiume

    D'Annunzio takes Fiume
    This picture was chosen because it shows what the city of Fiume became once D'Annunzio took control. It shows a bunch of people looking like pirates.
  • Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti

    Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti
    This picture was chosen as it shows how close Mussolini and Giolitti got and how their relationship allowed Fascist power to rise in Italy as a combined opposition to Socialists and Communists.
  • Mussolini forms the PNF (Fascist party) and becomes its leader

    Mussolini forms the PNF (Fascist party) and becomes its leader
    This picture was chosen because it is the symbol for the PNF and represents what the party stood for. It shows what Mussolini wanted Italy to become.
  • March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister

    March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister
    This picture was chosen because it shows Mussolini surrounded by his blackshirts. This shows the power Mussolini had both over people and all of Italy.
  • Acerbo Law Passed

    Acerbo Law Passed
    This picture was chosen because it shows how Acerbo (dude on the left) used this law to make Mussolini (fella on the right) more powerful.
  • Corfu Incident

    Corfu Incident
    This picture was chosen as it shows why Corfu caused and incident between Italy and Greece as it is close to Italy and causes confusion of borders.
  • Matteotti Crisis

    Matteotti Crisis
    This picture was chosen as it shows Mussolini sitting on Matteotti's coffin which places the blame of his death on Mussolini.
  • Aventine Secession

    Aventine Secession
    I chose this photo because Mussolini is at the center, and there are lots of people around him listening and watching. It shows how much influence he has over the Italian people, making the withdrawal of parliament opposition easy.
  • Battle for Grain

    Battle for Grain
    I chose this image because I think it shows how active Mussolini was in his own movement. He was actively trying to make changes and push Italy to it's "highest potential", which was admirable. He backed up his words with actions, and that made him a fierce leader.
  • Locarno Treaty signed

    Locarno Treaty signed
    I chose this photo because it exhibits the collaboration of the Locarno Treaties. The Locarno Treaties were a collaborative effort, involving Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain and Italy.
  • Battle for Births

    Battle for Births
    Though this may not be the intended message of the photograph, I think it represents the consequences of incentivized births. The babies in this picture are on their own in a basket. It shows the neglect children may have faced, as their parents may not have been fully willing to conceive them if it hadn't been for the incentive.
  • Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira

    Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira
    I couldn't find many images that encapsulated Italy's economic improvement specifically, but I think this image sums up Mussolini's drastic influence on the Italy. He is the center of attention and well-respected for the changes he made to Italy.
  • Kellogg-Briand Treaty Signed

    Kellogg-Briand Treaty Signed
    I chose this image because it illustrates the participation of multiple European parties. The large amount of representatives shows how big of a deal this treaty was to Europe.
  • Lateran Treaty with Pope

    Lateran Treaty with Pope
    I chose this image because it shows the immense support Mussolini and the Pope have for one another. Mussolini works with the pope so that religious implementation creates a more disciplined Italy.
  • Abyssinian Crisis

    Abyssinian Crisis
    This picture was chosen because it is a political cartoon echoing the sentiments surrounding Italy's involvement in the Abyssinian crisis. It accurately depicts Mussolini's imperialist goals and the complete unfairness of the conflict.
  • Stresa Front

    Stresa Front
    I chose this image because it shows the states supporting Stresa Font vs. Nazi Germany.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty

    Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty
    I chose this image because it depicts Mussolini and Hitler close to each other. It demonstrates the relationship between the fascism of Italy and the fascism of Germany, through the relationship between Hitler and Mussolini. It calls back to one of Hitler's most important influences
  • Italian involvement with the Spanish Civil War

    Italian involvement with the Spanish Civil War
    I chose this image because it depicts the Battle of Guadalajara, a battle in the Spanish Civil War. This battle was significant because the Nationalist forces were almost entirely comprised of Italian troops. This shows the extent to which Italy intervened on the side of the nationalists
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    This picture was chosen because it depicts all the leaders involved in the Munich Agreement, who were Neville Chamberlain, Edouard Daladier, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini. I feel like this image is significant because it shows Hitler standing in the center, which is symbolic of the extent to which the agreement serves Hilter's interests in Czechoslovakia
  • Italy invades Albania

    Italy invades Albania
    I chose this image because it depicts Italian forces in Albania, with the Italian flag hanging from a building. It shows how easy it was for Italy to occupy Albania, because within 7 days the country was occupied and Italian flags hung up
  • Italy enters WWII on side of Germany

    Italy enters WWII on side of Germany
    I chose this image to illustrate how Italy initially entered the war on the side of Germany due to Mussolini and Hitler's friendship and common goals, but eventually Germany and Italy turned against each other after Operation Axis and Mussolini being deposed from power
  • Mussolini brought down by coup during WWII

    Mussolini brought down by coup during WWII
    I chose this image, which is a mugshot of Mussolini after being voted out of his position and being arrested. This image is significant because it represents the extent to which he did not achieve a completely authoritarian state; he was still able to be kicked out and arrested by his council
  • Mussolini killed

    Mussolini killed
    I chose this image because it depicts how Mussolini was made a symbol after his death. His body was hung up in the square along with other notable fascists to symbolize the death of the fascist era