Mussolini and Fascist Italy

  • Independent Italy is formed

    In Italy, many small powers had controlled land in the country. Military revolution allowed these small powers to unify and grow in unity. Residents of the country, because of the small power unification, chose to not necessarily identify themselves with Italy, but Identify themselves with the small area they were residents of.
  • Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy

    Italian forces take control of the Papal states. These regions had small french occupancy, making this much more difficult for Italy. During this time France annexed Rome, but because of the Franco-Prussian war, the French troops were forced to Withdraw from Rome.
  • Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa (Adwa)

    The Italians started the war with Ethiopia, referred to as the Italo-Ethiopian War. The Italian government underestimated the Ethiopians because of their outdated technology, and did not believe they could put together a strong opposing force. The haste Italians had to win caused them to be defeated.
  • Italy Invades and Takes Over Libya

    Italy Invades and Takes Over Libya
    Italy joined the side of the allies in the first world war. In 1911 taly invaded Libya. Due to the lack of unification in Libya, Italy easily took over Libya.
  • Mussolini Kicked out of Socialist Party for Pro-Nationalistic Sentiments Regarding WWI

    Mussolini was expelled from the party for having opposing views with the rest of the party on Italy's stance in the first world war. Mussolini was in support of Italy joining the war, while the rest of the party was against Italy joining the war, because of their nationalistic views.
  • Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti

    Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti
    This is how mussolini began his socialist and political career. Trough the use of this newspaper the Fascist party converted to a more nationalist political view.
  • Treaty of London

    Treaty of London
    Signed so that italy would join the side of the Entente with a goal to drastically increase territory. This was a hidden agreement. The deal to gain territory was broke which enraged the Italians greatly. the photo is what the treaty looked like.
  • Beginning of "Biennio Rosso"

    Beginning of "Biennio Rosso"
    Bienno Rosso was a period of political uprising in Italy. There was an extreme rise of socialism. there was also a rise of communism and a rise to fascist violence against communism.
  • Mussolini forms the PNF (Fascist Party) and is elected its leader

    Mussolini forms the PNF (Fascist Party) and is elected its leader
    This was done to turn the fascist party into a political party. This party held power in the Italian government and was recognized as an actual political party.
  • D’Annunzio takes Fiume

    D’Annunzio takes Fiume
    The city of Fiume was promised to italy in the treaty of London. However, because of the treaty not being followed, Fiume had to be taken by force. After a victory in World war 1, D'Annunzio took over and controlled Fiume. Control was held for about 2 years
  • Fascio di Combattimento Formed in Milan

    Fascio di Combattimento Formed in Milan
    this political group/ following was created by Mussolini after being expelled from the socialist party. The symbol of the party was meant to represent strength and unity (shown in the photo). This group was violent and would attack other socialist or opposing groups.
  • Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti

    Giolotti was the leader of liberal political forces in Italy. Giolotti supported Mussolini's efforts as a political figure. He was afraid of the rise of socialism in Italy. He joined forces with violent fascists to ensure that socialism would not grow.
  • March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister

    Mussolini was approached by many militant fascists to start a "war" against the Italian government. Mussolini agreed so he would not be killed or overthrown and to keep his members loyal. This allowed for mussolini to grow in power much quicker.
  • Acerbo Law Passed

    Acerbo Law Passed
    The Acerbo Law let parties gain 2/3 of the government's seats if at least 25% of the vote was gained by that party. Due to this law, the fascist party was able to gain control in the government.
  • Corfu Incident

    Corfu Incident
    Italy declared war on Corfu after an Italian general was killed. Italy ended up winning this war. This went against the League of Nations and showed weakeness in the league.
  • Aventine Secession

    Removal of opposition of the Fascist party. Gave the fascist party 2/3 majority. The Matteotti crisis supressed growing opposition of the fascist party.
  • Matteotti Crisis

    Matteotti Crisis
    This crisis took place after Matteotti was kidnapped. Mussolini punished the people guilty of the kidnapping but was still being questioned on his involvement in the kidnapping. Mussolini denied having any involvement to the situation.
  • Battle for Grain

    Battle for Grain
    This was a push for cereal production in Italy. This was meant to be done by repurposing pastures and farmland. Those that produced high amounts of cereal were greatly rewarded.This ended up being slightly successful as a 9% increase had happened.
  • Locarno Treaty Signed

    Locarno Treaty Signed
    Was meant to reform relationships between Europe and Germany. Germany was now allowed to join the League of Nations. Mussolini supported the treaty.
  • Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira

    Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira
    The battle for land was done to convert the wetlands into farmland for self-suffiency. This battle was successful, however this is not to the extent that was expected. The battle of Lira was to strengthen international trade and increase the value of different currencies.
  • Battle for Births

    This was a push to increase the population in Italy. This was to increase future military strength and the workforce. Having a large amount of children started being rewarded and greatly accepted. This failed as birthrates decreased between 1924 and 1950
  • Kellogg-Briand Treaty signed

    Kellogg-Briand Treaty signed
    Promised to end means through methods other than war. This basically banned war as a method to solve problems amongst nations. This treaty was unsuccsful in stoppung militatrization.
  • Lateran Treaty with Pope

    Lateran Treaty with Pope
    This treaty made catholicism the official religion in Italy. This ,ove allowed for mussolini to grow, as he received support from the Catholic church.
  • Stresa Front

    Stresa Front
    An attempt to restore the Treaty of Versailles and its terms. This was done by preventing an alliance to be formed between Austria and Germany. This was also done to limit Hitler's power than was rapidly growing in Germany. The photo represents a card game, something that the front was often referred to as.
  • Abyssinian Crisis

    Abyssinian Crisis
    Italy invaded Abyssinian as a way to expand during times of colonialism.The League of Nations was against Italy but, due to technicalities, could not enforce any rules to stop Italy.
  • Italian Involvement in Spanish Civil War

    Italian Involvement in Spanish Civil War
    Italy supported the nationalist forces trying to take control in Spain. Nazi germany also supported the nationalists. On the other hand, Mexico and the Soviet union supported the republicans. The war and similar views strengthened the relationship between Germany and Italy.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty Signed

    This was an alliance treaty between Germany and Italy as united fascist powers in Europe. This established the connection between Hitler and Mussolini as fascist leaders.
  • Italy Invades Albania

    Italy Invades Albania
    Italy wanted Albania because it was once a part of the Roman empire and had many key areas that were strongly strategic. italian forces quickly and easily took over the area. This occured at the same time as Germany's annexation of Austria.
  • Italy Enters WWII on Side of Germany

    Italy Enters WWII on Side of Germany
    Italy declared war against France and Great Britain in order to stay on Germany's side. This happened a little later then wanted becuase Italy had been experinecing a lack of resources. Italy found reason to enter the war as Germany was having many victories at war. italian forces, however, were weak and mostly innaffective throughout the war.
  • Mussolini Brought Down by Coup During WWII

    A coup was planned to take down Mussolini after many losses at war and growing opposition to Mussolini and his party. This was successful resulting in Mussolini being kidnapped and the government being taken over. Mussolini was rescued by german paratroopers. Italy was forced to forfeit the war and fascism completely ended in Italy
  • Mussolini is Killed

    Mussolini is Killed
    After being captured and forced to give up power, Mussolini was saved by german paratroopers. Hitler gave Mussolini back control of land that was still controlled by fascist italians and germans. Germans still held most of the power in these northern regions and Mussolini simply had formal authority. After a short period of time Mussolini was captured again and publicly executed, this time alongside his wife.