Museo del Prado

  • Who managed this move

    Who managed this move
    The Artistic Heritage Seizure and Protection Board was the organization icharged of securing the art pieces during the Civil War. They moved more than 2000 artworksm being only 361 of them from the Museo del Prado.
  • Selection of artworks

    Selection of artworks
    Josep Renau and Vaamonde are the manageros of the move ans they select which artworks are going to be moved, they completed the tickets and reports needed. They had some problems for getting the trucks for moving them because of the situation.
  • From Madrid to Valencia

    From Madrid to Valencia
    The artworks were moved in military trucks, some of the m had to be modified for being able to fit in them the packed pieces of art. In some bridges, they had to take out the artworks and carry them by from edge to edge.Once in Valencia, the artworks were left in the Patriarch's church and in the Serrano's towers.
  • Period: to

    What was this move

    In autumn of 1936, after the start of the Spanish Civil War, pieces of art from different museums in Madrid, including el Museo del Prado, were moved to Valencia, later to Catalonia, then to Switzerland and finally returned to Madrid 3 years later. All this move was because in Madrid there were taking place several fights between nationalist and republicans.
  • From Valencia to the north of Catalonia

    From Valencia to the north of Catalonia
    The artworks were moved through Peralada and Darnius until they reach the Talcum mines in Gerona. They were buried 250 m deep. Some of the pieces of art were kept in the Peralada Castle and in the Figueras Fortress. The hole mine was reinforced and ruled by the Minister of Finances, by Enrique Ramos.
  • Return of the artworks to Spain

    The arworks were in Geneva during months, but only 20 days at the same time as te Civil War occured, from the 12 of March to the 6 of September, but the Spanish Civil War ended the 1st of April. The main reason of the returnig were the danger of an other World War (WWII), which started in September of that year, 1939. The second reason was that Josep Maria Sert, a painter, wanted them back in Spain and asked the League of Nations to return them. The artworks returned in a train during night.
  • From Catalonia to Geneva

    From Catalonia to Geneva
    The Republi accorded withe the League of Nations to protect the artworks by moving them out of the country, to Geneva. They were moved by French vehicles. All the movement was payed by the International Comittee.
  • Bombing before the move

    Bombing before the move
    During thr days that the agree was being accorded and signed, the Condor Legion bombed Figueras, a city near the mine where the artworks were.
  • The artworks were exposed in Switzerland

    The artworks were exposed in Switzerland
    Although the pieces of art were in Geneva to be protected, they were exposed in the Museum of Art and History in Geneva, this exposition was opened the 1st of June of 1939, and it was a total success, it received more than 400000 visitors. The exposition had 15 different rooms with 174 artworks, being 152 from the Museo del Prado.
  • Characteristics of the movement from Catalonia to Geneva

    Characteristics of the movement from Catalonia to Geneva
    1. All the movement will be guarde by three technicians and a secretary of the Museo del Prado, a delegate from the International Comittee and other from the Spanish Government. 2, The delivery will be in front of the General Secretary o the League of Nations.
    2. Once in Geneva all the artworks will be registered and counted.
    3. The movement will be by train the 3th of March of 1939.