Ict movie

Movie History

  • First movie ever!

    First movie ever!
    Eadweard Muybridge made the first movie ever by taking pictures of a horse called : the horse in motion.
  • First cinema ever opened

    First cinema ever opened
    The first cinema was opened in the US, it was in New Orleans. It was called the Vitascope Hall, it opened on June 26, 1896.
  • The first video camera

    The first video camera
    The first videocamer was made in the 1920s by John Logie Baird. The video camera was revolutionary for movies.
  • The first 3d movie

    The first 3d movie
    This is the first ever 3d movie.
  • First 4D movie

    First 4D movie
    This is the first 4D movie ever made called journey to the centre of the earth
  • Most grosing movie in history

    Most grosing movie in history
    The most grosing movie is Avatar
  • First cinema without a roof

    First cinema without a roof
    This is the first cinema without a roof made by Tallinna
  • The Bigest Cinema In The World

    The Bigest Cinema In The World
    The bigest cinema in the world is located in Renfrew Street, Glasgow, Scotland. It is also in the guiness world book of records
  • The most expensive movie

    The most expensive movie
    This is the most expensive movie ever made, it cost $258 million to make and it is Spider Man 3
  • Samlles cinema ever

    Samlles cinema ever
    This is the smalest cinema evear and can be also found in the guiness world book of records