Most Dangerous Tsunamis Andy333

  • Lisbon Portugal Earthquake

    Lisbon Portugal Earthquake
    The Lisbon Earthquake was a very large earthquake that happened long ago so we are not 100% sure about all the facts. It is believed to be a magnitude 9 earthquake. Also, it reportedly created waves up to 23 feet tall. It killed about 20,000 and caused fires
  • Krakatoa Eruption

    Krakatoa Eruption
    This volcano erupted and caused a massive earthquake and tsunami . It was a magnitude 6 earthquake. There was so much smoke that it was blocking out the sun and made the world temperature drop. Killed nearly 36,000
  • Aleutian Earthquake

    Aleutian Earthquake
    Occurred in Aleutian Alaska. This was a magnitude 8.1. Almost 500 buildings were destroyed and over 20,000 worth of damage. Killed about 160 people.
  • Great Chilean Earthquake

    Great Chilean Earthquake
    This occurred in Chile. Killed over 1700 people. Very large earthquake, 9.5 magnitude. Waves reported to be over 35 feet tall.
  • Good Friday Earthquake

    Good Friday Earthquake
    The Good Friday Earthquake occurred across south-central Alaska. It killed about 130 people. Earthquake was a Magnitude 9.2. Caused underwater landslides and multiple tsunamis.
  • Hokkaido Earthquake

    Hokkaido Earthquake
    This occurred 39 miles from the coast of japan. Killed about 120 people. Magnitude 7.8. Many people moved from the coast after this
  • Papua New Guinea Quake

    Papua New Guinea Quake
    Caused a large Underwater landslide. Killed more then 2,100 people. Magnitude 7.1 earthquake. Lasted for 19 seconds Very unexpected, caused lots of damage.
  • Sumatra Earthquake

    Sumatra Earthquake
    Killed about 23,000. Magnitude 9.1. It was the greatest fault length every recorded. Biggest lasted nearly 10 mins. Earthquakes for days after.
  • Samoa Earthquake

    Samoa Earthquake
    Occurred in the southern pacific ocean. Magnitude 8.1 earthquake. Killed about 200. Caused beaches to elevate, and caused landslides
  • Chile Earthquake

    Chile Earthquake
    Occurred off the coast of Central Chile. Magnitude 8.8 earthquake. Warnings were issued in 53 counties. Over 700 people were killed. Chaos caused some prisoners to escape.
  • Tohoku Earthquake

    Tohoku Earthquake
    One of the largest earthquakes in the past century. Killed over 20,000. Magnitude 9.1 Earthquake. Was predicted to be a lot smaller.