Modernism Timeline

  • Stock Market Crashes

    Stock Market Crashes
    For six years, America was in a period of prosperity. The crash of the stock market began on October 24, known as black Thursday and by Tuesday October 29, 1929, the stock market had completly plumitted. This is modernist because the modernist belived that money was happiness, and they knew that this was going to be bad
  • All Hope Is Lost

    All Hope Is Lost
    President Herbert Hoover states "Any lack of confidence in the economic future or the basic strength of business in the United States is foolish." We know this is modernist becasue they thought they they could not be happy without money.
  • Unemployment Rates Rise Drastically

    Unemployment Rates Rise Drastically
    from october 1929 to march 1930, unemployment rates rose from 1.5 million to 3.2 million, though, president Hoover expects that this will pass within 60 days. This is modernist because it shows the modernist characteristic of hope for the future.
  • Apple Selling Begins

    Apple Selling Begins
    The street corners of New York City are crowded with apple-sellers. Nearly 6,000 unemployed individuals work at selling apples for five cents apiece. We see that this is modernist because the people still have some hope, and how found some way to make at least a little bit of money.
  • Food- Riots

    Food riots" begin to break out in parts of the U.S. In Minneapolis, several hundred men and women smash the windows of a grocery market and make off with fruit, canned goods, bacon, and ham. One of the store's owners pulls out a gun to stop the looters, but is leapt upon and has his arm broken. The "riot" is brought under control by 100 policemen. Seven people are arrested.
  • Banks Begin to Collapse

    Banks Begin to Collapse
    At the time of the collapse, the bank had over $200 million in deposits, making it the largest single bank failure in the nation's history.
  • Congress establishes the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

    Congress establishes the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
    The RFC is given permission to lend $2 billion to banks, insurance companies, etc. It is called "the millionaires' dole" by critics.
  • March on the Ford Motor Company

    In march of 1932, 3 thousand ford employees decided to march the pant. This event ended up injuring many and killing four.
  • People become Dpendant on City Relief

    People become Dpendant on City Relief
    In April of 1932, more than 750,000 become depeandant upon city relief programs, as well as 160,000 on a waiting list. They were paid 8.20 a month.
  • WWI Veterans Leave Oregon

    WWI Veterans Leave Oregon
    More than 300 WWI veterans leave oregon en route to Washington DC, It will take them 18 days to reach Washington.
  • Franklin Roosevelt Wins

    In November of 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt won by a landslide against Herbert Hoover.
  • Roosevelt's Innauguration
    In front of a crowd of 100,000, Franklin Roosevelt was innaugurated FDR told the crowd, "The people of the United States have not failed. In their need they have registered a mandate that they want direct, vigorous action. They have asked for discipline and direction under leadership. They have made me the present instrument of their wishes. In the spirit of the gift I take it." a very modernist thing to say
  • Glass Steagall Act
    This act seperated commercial from investment banking and sets up the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • The Dust Bowl

    A three-day dust storm blows an estimated 350 million tons of soil off of the terrain of the West and Southwest and deposits it as far east as New York and Boston. Some east coast cities are forced to ignite street lamps during the day to see through the blowing dust.
  • Dorothea Lange

    Dorothea Lange
    Photographer Dorothea Lange visits a pea-pickers' camp in California's San Joaquin Valley and takes photographs of harvest workers.