Modern Jewish History

  • Period: Sep 1, 1450 to

    The Early Modern Period

  • Sep 16, 1450

    Developement of Printing Press

    Developement of Printing Press
    The printing press allowed written works to be shared. This helped Jewish books spread and people became more learned.
  • Sep 16, 1450


    Really starting in 1350, the Renaissance was a rebirth lasting over 200 years that lead to many new ideas.
  • Jan 16, 1492

    Jewish Expulsion from Spain

    Jewish Expulsion from Spain
    The Jews are expelled from Spain and are forced to find new homes elsewhere.
  • Sep 16, 1517

    Beginning of the Reformation

    Beginning of the Reformation
    Martin Luther writes his 95 theses and the reformation begins.
  • Cherem of Boruch Spinoza

    Cherem of Boruch Spinoza
    Known as the first to go "off the derech". Spinoza leaves Judaism to live alone.
  • Birth of Moses Mendelssohn

    Birth of Moses Mendelssohn
    Mendelssohn was a father of reform Judaism and said that Jews could live as Europeans AND Jews.
  • Berr Isaac Berr Born

    Berr Isaac Berr Born
    He said "We have to change our ways" which led to Judiasm changing and the birth or "reform" Judaism.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The Colonies fought for and gained independence from the British and formed the United states of America.
  • Juediscle Freishole

    Juediscle Freishole
    School opened up which taught Jews secular studies to help them in real life. Jews also learned freely in German
  • Age of Enlightenment

    Age of Enlightenment
    50-year period in Europe that led to people thinking in terms of reason and individuality.
  • Edict of Toleration

    Edict of Toleration
    A series of laws that gave Jews mor rights in the secular world. They could now live outside the Jewish quarter and send their children to publuc schools.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French were stirred up by the American Revolution and the Enlightenment causing them to rise against the king.
  • Emancipation of Jews of France

    Emancipation of Jews of France
    Any Jew who takes the oath to fulfill all the duties of the constitution will not have any restricitons that Jews have.
  • Establishment of Hamburg Temple

    Establishment of Hamburg Temple
    First Shul made in Germany based on Reform beliefs.