Miss jennifer edwards

  • Period: to

    Jennifer edwards

  • Physical & intellectual 0-3 years

    Physical & intellectual 0-3 years
    Physical: Jennifer is born she has little muscle control and only relies on her rooting reflex. After about 3 months she starts learning motor controls e.g moving her head, arms and feet, she will start to kick and will start lifting up her head and chest. Jennifer starts sitting up and standing up without support. Motor skills develops as she gets older.
    Intellectual: Speech and language will start to develop, start realising what to do the get what she wants or a carer's attention.
  • Emotional & Social 0-3 years

    Emotional & Social 0-3 years
    Emotional: Starts to build emotional bonds with main carers, she will become irritable when with someone she has not bonded with before. Crying to indicate she wants something. Personality develops
    Social: she will start learning how to manipulate to get what she wants. she will start to enjoy intimate activty with her family e.g. bathing and eating.
  • Emotional & Social 4-9

    Emotional & Social 4-9
    Emotional: Jennifer starts to gain self confidence, She will learn co-operation and how to interact with other children, wants independence. knows how to manipulate her parents. become very curious.
    Social: Learn how to play with others, imitate their parents or carers' behaviour. imagination develops and is used in role play, want to be liked by her peers, friendship is important.
  • Physical & intellectual 4-9 years

    Physical & intellectual 4-9 years
    Physical: co-ordination gets better at this stage, Motor skills and hand eye co-ordination develops e.g. learning how to tie shoe laces.
    Intellectual: Language develops even more at this stage. She starts to gather initiative and recognitions of other's emotions and feelings around her. increase of speech and vocabulary
  • physical & intellectual 10-18

    physical & intellectual 10-18
    Physical: Puberty begins. Sexual maturation
    Females: Breasts starts to develop, Period, Pubic hair, growth spurts, weight gain, vaginal discharge,acne
    Males: Voice breaks, growth spurts, facial and pubic hair and acne.
    Intellectual: She will develop opinions of her own, focused on self image. start recognising and comparing herself to her friends, able to think logically.
  • Emotional & social 10-18 years

    Emotional & social 10-18 years
    Emotional: Emotions will be running high because of hormonal changes taking place, she may become moody, want independence and freedom. Drift away from parents emotionally and feel more comfortable around friends, the need to be loved.
    Social: Has a circle of friends, starts dating, rebellious against parents, peer pressure may also occur at this stage.
  • Physical & intellectual 19-65 years

    Physical & intellectual 19-65 years
    Physical: Females: More weight gain around hips and thighs, finish breast development, in middle adulthood the skin starts to lose elasticity.
    Males: Voice become a bit deeper, weight gain around the belly, skin begins to lose elasticity and wrinkles start to appear in middle adulthood.
    Intellectual: Jennifer may have a job at this stage, More intellegence and able to solve problems, she will think logically and reaches the stage of maturity
  • Emotional & social 19-65

    Emotional & social 19-65
    Emotional: intimate relationship with a partner, More emotionally stable at this stage although towards late adulthood Jennifer may become emotionally unstable due to loss of loved ones, loneliness, becoming ill.
    Social: During this stage Jennifer will have less friends as in adoloescence she will most likely only have a few close friends, More responsibilities, less time to socialise.
  • Physical & Intellectual 65+

    Physical & Intellectual 65+
    Physical: Jennifer will lose elasticity in her skin and it will start to sag, develops wrinkles and age spots, body will become more frail, bones will weaken and she will start losing her eye sight and hearing.

    Intellectual: Thinking slows down, retirement, memory loss, less able to solve problems.
  • Emotional & Social 65+

    Emotional & Social 65+
    Emotional: Her last stage of life so she might get depressed, lonely and sad. She will be grieving for the loved ones she has lost, she will also lose some independence.
    Social: She retires. She may be put in a caring home and have a few friends, she will be unable to go out and socialise regularly. May begin to lose close friends. May feel lonely if she is not around family and friends.
  • Final stages of life

    Final stages of life
    Physical & Intellectual: Everything deteriarates, she may become ill and weak. Her body will become frail. Physically everything will begin to shut down e.g. internal organs.
  • Final staes of life

    Final staes of life
    Emotional & Social: Will become sad because she realises she is dieing, Angry with the world, she may want family and close friends around during her last stage of life or she may want to be alone.