Microprocesser Timeline

  • Silicon is discovered

    Silicon is discovered
    Baron Jons Jackob Berzelius discovers silicon, the basic component of processors today.
  • Nikola Tesla patents logic circuits

    Nikola Tesla patents logic circuits
    Nikola Tesla patents logic circuits called "gates" or "switches"
  • First transistor

    First transistor
    The first transistor is invented by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley
  • Mass production on transistors

    Mass production on transistors
    IBM develops the first automatic mass-production facility for transistors.
  • Intel Corporation founded

    Intel Corporation founded
    Intel Corporation is founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore
  • AMD is founded

    AMD is founded
    Advanced Micro Devices is founded
  • First microprocessor the Intel 4004

    First microprocessor the Intel 4004
    Intel invented the first microprocessor: Intel 4004. $200 Includes:
    2300 transistors
    60000 OPS
    640 bytes of memory
  • Microprocessor chip is invented

    Microprocessor chip is invented
    Intel introduced the 8080 microprocessor chip. It became a standard for the computer industry.
  • Motorola 68000 is released

    Motorola 68000 is released
    A 16/ 32 bit processor is released. Later chosen as the processor for the Apple Macintosh and Amiga computers.
  • Intel introduces 80386

    Intel introduces 80386
  • Intel 486SX chip is introduced

    Intel 486SX chip is introduced
    The Intel 486SX chip brings a lower-cost processor to the PC market selling for $258
  • Intel released the 486DX2 chip

    Intel released the 486DX2 chip
    The 486DX2 chip has a cock doubling agility, generating higher operating speeds.
  • Intel introduces Pentium processor

    Intel introduces Pentium processor
    The Pentium processor is a 60 MHz processor, with more than 3.1 million transistors at $878
  • Intel Pentium available at higher processing speeds

    Intel Pentium available at higher processing speeds
    Intel Pentium can now run at 150 MHz with 60MHz bus and 166 Mhz with 66MHz bus
  • AMD releases Athlon processor

    AMD releases Athlon processor
    The Athlon processor can run at 800MHz
  • Pentium III is released

    Pentium III is released
    The 1.3 GHz microprocessor is recalled due to glitches