Metis Right

By schiiss
  • The Manitoba Act

    The Manitoba Act was created in 1869-1870. It established that the Metis would recieve more than 500 000 hectares of land in addition to their farm land they already had established along Red River. We think that this was very benificial towards the Metis because it gave them their land back. ++
  • "Treaty Indians"

    Government issued the scrip to metis.It offered the Metis a choice to accept the scrip or to become a "treaty indian." In veiw by the government the meits didn't have same rights as the first nations. We think that this was neither bad nor good for the Metis because they could keep their identity or loose it to become a lower class person. 0
  • The Northwest Resitence

    It sought to protect Metis lands in what is today Saskatchewan. The railway allowed setllers into this area, there are amny diffrent interpretations but for the Metis is was way to assert thier rights like the Red River Resistence. We think that this is positive because it protects Metis rights and land. ++
  • St. Paul des Metis

    Metis settlers established farms provided by the Catholic Church. The Metis didnt own this land and had to leave when the settlement was closed. We think that this is sort of positive because the Metis got farm land provided by the church but the Metis didn't have ownership of the land. +
  • L'Association des Metis de l'Alberta et des Territories du Nord-Ouest

    Lobbied Alberta's goverment to set aside land for the Metis. The goverment passed the Metis Population Betterment Act in 1938 and established 12 temporary settlements. We think that that it is positive because they werre given and act to be passed and they were given 12 temperary Metis settlements. +
  • The Temporary Settelments

    The settelments didn;t give the Metis control of the land. The settelments were closed after four of them became unsuitable for things like farming, fishing and hunting. Negative because the land they were given wasn't suitable for aregculture and they didn't have control over the land. -
  • Lobbying Metis

    The metis lobbyied for recognization of their rights in the constitution. When the constitution was formed section 35 which recognizes the metis as one of Canadas peoples. We think that this is very good for the Metis because they were recognized as real people. ++
  • Alberta's Goverment enacted Legislation

    The Metis recived permanent settelments and the right to manage their own affairs. Inside the legislation there was constitution or Alberta Amendment Act, Metis settlements Accord Implementation Act, Metis Settlements Act, Metis Settlements Land Protection Act. They also had the right to participate in the development of oil and gas resources on settlement land. We think this is very positive because they we finally given their land back. ++
  • Right to Hunt and Fish

    The Supreme Court allow Metis to hunt and fish as one of Canadas aborigonal peoples under the constitution. We think that this is very positive because they were given the right to use their own land for their own benifit. ++
  • Metis hunting and fishing rights

    This ensured that Metis could hunt and fish for food without a license, but in 2007 the Canadian govermnet put a law into place that restricted their rights without agreements from Metis organaziations. This is postive because they were allowed to hunt and fish without a license for food. But Metis organizations had to agree +.
  • Metis court case launched in Manitoba

    They were seeking compensation for land promised but not deliverd in the Manitoba Act. We think this is nuetral because Canada didnt hold their promise but Metis brought them to curt to make them hold their promise. 0