

By gmg_xo
  • Who discovered Meiosis?

    Who discovered Meiosis?
    The scientist who discovered Meiosis was Oscar Hertwig.
  • Discovery of Meiosis

    Discovery of Meiosis
    The first sight of Meiosis was made in Sea Urchin eggs.
  • Who discovered the chromosomes in Meiosis?

    Who discovered the chromosomes in Meiosis?
    The scientist who discovered the number of chromosomes in Meiosis was Edouard Van Beneden.
  • Chromosomes in Meiosis

    Chromosomes in Meiosis
    In 1883 the number of chromosomes in the process of Meiosis was discovered.
  • Who discovered the divisons needed for Meiosis

    Who discovered the divisons needed for Meiosis
    The scientist August Weismann discovered that two cell divisons are needed to transform two diploid cells, into four haploid cells.
  • Genes are Transmitted onto Chromosomes

    In 1911 the scientist Thomas Hunt Morgan discovered through the process of crossing over in Meiosis that genes are transmitted onto chromosomes.