McDamiel -3- Stella Y.

By ssy4144
  • George Washington elected President

    George Washington elected President
    On that day the very first president was elected. George Washington had also preciously took part in the French and Indian War.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    On that day the signing declared peace between the British and Americans. Causing America to have independence!
  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was created by an American named Eli Whitney. His plan was to create it to stop slaves working so long on the field picking cotton, but the exact opposite happened.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    It was a war between the British and U.S. There were multiple reasons why they started this war. Some of them being trading limitation, British attacking Native American tribes making them angry, and things from ships being taken by the Britsh. It lasted about 3 years with the British defeated.
  • Texas jonied The United States

    Texas jonied The United States
    When Texas parted from Mexico it became an independent country, but soon after, they struggled. That's why they joined the U.S. Many people started to immigrate to Texas because of so much open land.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    The Civil war was caused because of the slavery. It divided the North and the South. The Northerners were in vote of anti-slavery, and the South wanted slavery. Thus, causing the Civil War. It had ended 4 years later and the North had won!
  • Abraham Lincoln Assasination

    Abraham Lincoln Assasination
    It was after the Civil War ended that Abraham Lincoln decided to celebrate by watching a play. That was when the enemy of the North assasinated Abraham Lincoln.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Was Assasinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. Was Assasinated
    Martin Luther King was giving another speech for fairness of all races, when an american against his beliefs assasinated him.
  • Stella Y. Born

    I play volleyball, and I hate Walmart. I'm also asian.
  • The Down Fall Of the Twin Towers

    The Down Fall Of the Twin Towers
    This attack was purposely made by a man named Osama Bin Laden, and had crashed 2 planes into the twin towers. Many lives were lost that day. Many said that they chose that day because when calling for an emergency you dial 911.
  • Curioisity Landed

    Curioisity Landed
    On that day the Curiousity Rover had landed successfully. Though, if someone had done something a second late, everything would've been ruined. Thankfully nothing bad had happened.