Beautiful african american baby

maya angelou was born on april 4 1928

  • Period: to

    maya angelou

  • Maya was born

    Maya was born
    Maya Angelou was born in St. Louis
  • when Maya vistited her mother

    when Maya vistited her mother
    when visting her mother Maya was sexually mulasted by her mothers boy friend
  • Mr. Freeman

    Mr. Freeman
    Mr. Freeman was beatan to death a few days after he sexually mulested Maya
  • Maya stopped talking

    Maya stopped talking
    the day after she was sexually melusted she stopped talking
  • Bertha Flowers

    Bertha Flowers
    teacher Bertha Flowers helped Maya start talking again after she was raped by her mothers boy friend.
  • baby boy

    baby boy
    maya went to college but in her senior year she became pregent and a few days later she gave birth to beautiful baby boy
  • she didnt attend college!!!!!

    she didnt attend college!!!!!
    Maya Angelou did not attend college but she won a scholarship to San Fransico labor school
  • "I know why the caged birds sing"

    "I know why the caged birds sing"
    In 1970 maya published her first poem "I know why the caged brids sing".