

  • Home Life

    Home Life
    . She starts reading at a really young age, and parents are unsupportive.
    . Comes up with creative ways how to read
    . Mrs. Phelps heps her find the classic books
    . Father is a car salemens, that tricks people to buy bad cars
    . Brother is being taught to take over the buisness
    . Mother=airhead
    . Plays pranks on parents
  • Prank 1

    Prank 1
    Prank 1: Super glue
    -Matilda puts glue inside dad's hat
    -mom has to cut his hair to get the hat off
  • Prank 2

    Prank 2
    The Ghost
    -They got a parrot
    - Matilda and her friend tried to hide it, but parents kept on hearing noises
    -hid it in fireplace
    -parents think it's a burgler or a ghost
  • Prank 3

    Platnum-Blond Man
    -Matilda switches her mom's blond hairdye wth her dad's hair tonic
  • School Life

    -Matilda started late, she was 5 and a half, not 5
    -School is old brick building
    -Trunchbull= head mistress of the school
    -Mrs. Jeniifer Honey was her sweet quiet teacher
    -Matilda was always the one to raise her hand to answer questions
    - she was way ahead of other students in her class
  • Lavender and Cake Boy

    -Lavender is Mtilda's best friend who is also very tiny
    -Bruce snuck into school kitchen and ate the Trunchbull's cake, then lied about
    -As punishment, Trunchbull made him eat a whole chocilate cake in hopes of him getting sick in front of everyone
    -ate the whole cake with no problem and got the name cakeboy
    -Trunchbull was furious that her plan didn't work
  • The First Miracle

    The First Miracle
    -Lavender wants to pull a prank on the Trunchbull
    -Get a Newt from her pond and puts it in the Trunchbulls water vase, so when she poured herself a glass it fell out
    -Trunchbull atomatically accussed Matilda
    -Matilda stood up for herself
    - Ended up with the Trunchbull walking out and punishing nobody
  • Miracle 2

    -Matilda felt guilty for tipping the glass over with her mind
    - Mrs. Honey was shocked with her "powers", so she invited her to her cottage
  • Mrs. Honey's Cottage

    Mrs. Honey's Cottage
    -Matilda and Mrs. Honey walked from school to her cottage
    - tries to understand Matilda's "powers" and wants her to be cautious
    - Cottage is really small, doesn't have normal house appliances or furniture
    -Mrs. Honey is very poor
    -She only eats at school, so she made bread from Matilda to eat
  • Story Continued

    -when she got a job, Mrs. Honey was forced to give her aunt most of her paycheck to pay her back, this is why she's poor
    -one night, she snuck out of the house and found a cottage and began to rent it
    - the will to the red house was never found
    -Matilda asked who the aunt was, Mrs. Honey replied with Trunchbull
  • Mrs. Honey's Story

    -Mrs. Honey has been wanting to talk to someone about her story for a while
    -dad was a doctor
    -were originally rich, big house
    -mother died when she was 2, and aunt came to live with them
    -when she was 5 her father died mysteriously, aunt became her gaurdien
    -aunt was really mean, and her life became a nightmare
    -Mrs. Honey became her slave
    -when she graduated she was really smart, but wasn't allowed to go to college
    -aunt allowed her to go to a teachers training college in reading at the age
  • Third Miracle

    -Trunchbull comes to teach a reivew for 3 times table
    -calls on Wilferd to do it backwards, and he can't do it
    -Trunchbull yells at him and all of a sudden the chalk starts writing on the chalkboard with noone standing there.
    -It's Mrs. Honey's mom, names Trunchbull by her first name telling her to give Mrs. Honey back the red house and to leave.
    -Trunchbull gets overwhelmed and passes out
  • A New Home

    Mr. Trilby goes to the red house and noone is there
    -The Trunchbull took everthing and left
    -A few days later Mrs. Honey get s letter saying the house is hers and she moves in
    -One day Matilda was over there and she lost her "Powers"
    -Mrs. Honey says it's because shes in a class thats more challenging
    -Maltilda's parents show up and they move to Spain, but Matilda doesn't want to go so asks Mrs. Honey if she can live with her
    -Mrs. Honey agrees, so Matilda lives with Mrs. Honey