Math History

  • 100

    Square Root of Neg Numbers

    Square Root of Neg Numbers
    Heron of Alexandria references square roots of negative numbers.
  • 250

    Arithmetica written

    Arithmetica written
    Diophantus uses symbols for unknown numbers and writes one of the earliest treatises on algebra, Arithmetica.
  • 400

    Bakhshali manuscript written

    Bakhshali manuscript written
    Jaina mathematicians describe a theory of infinity, logarithms, and square roots of large numbers with an accuracy of 11 decimal places.
  • 450

    Pi to seven decimal places

    Pi to seven decimal places
    Zu Chongzhi computes Pi to seven decimal places.
  • 500

    Introduction of Trignometric Functions

    Introduction of Trignometric Functions
    Aryabhata defines the concepts of sine and cosine and includes tables for sine and cosine from 0 to 90 degrees.
  • 550

    Numberical Representation of Zero

    Hidu mathematicians give zero a numberical representation in the Indian numeral system.
  • Jan 1, 700

    Fibonacci Sequence Rules

    Fibonacci Sequence Rules
    Virasena gives rules for Fibonacci Sequence.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Law of Sines discovered

    Law of Sines discovered
    Muslim mathematicians discover the Law of Sines, though it is unclear who actually discovered it.
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Universal Hindu-Arabic numbers

    Indian numberals are modified by Arab mathematicians to form universal number system.
  • Jan 1, 1101

    Calculus conceived by Bhaskara Acharya

    Calculus conceived by Bhaskara Acharya
    Bhaskara Acharya conceives differential calculus and developes Rolle's Theorem.
  • Jan 1, 1202

    Book of the Abacus written by Leonardo Fibonacci

    Book of the Abacus written by Leonardo Fibonacci
    Liber Abaci (Book of the Abacus) is written by Leonardo Fibonacci demostrating the use of the Hindu-Arabbic numerals.
  • Pi to twenty decimal places

    Pi to twenty decimal places
    Ludolf van Ceulen computes pi using inscribed and circumscribes polygons. His computation was accurate to 20 decimal places.
  • Napierian Logarithms

    Napierian Logarithms
    John Napier writes a book explaining Napierian logarithms.
  • Decarte and Fermat discover analytic geometry.

    Decarte and Fermat discover analytic geometry.
    Both Rene Decartes and Pierre de Fermat claim to independently discover analytic geometry.
  • Imaginary Numbers

    Imaginary Numbers
    Rene Decartes uses imaginary numbers.
  • Theory of Probability

    Theory of Probability
    Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat create the theory of probability.
  • Fundemental Theorem of Calculus

    Fundemental Theorem of Calculus
    Issac Newton works on the Fundemental Theorem of Calculus and developes his discovery of infintesimal calculus.
  • Leibniz's Infinitesimal Calculus

    Leibniz's Infinitesimal Calculus
    Gottfried Leibniz developes infinitesimal calculus about the same time as Newton.
  • Pi to 100 digits

    Pi to 100 digits
    John Machin calculate pi to 100 digits using a quickly converging inverse-tangent series.
  • Taylor series

    Taylor series
    Brook Tylor developes Taylor series.
  • de Moivre's Formula

    de Moivre's Formula
    Abraham de Moivre connects trigonometric functions and complex numbers with de Moivre's Formula.
  • Normal distribution approximates binomial distribution

    Normal distribution approximates binomial distribution
    Abraham de Moivre introduces an approximation of the binomial distribution using the normal distribution.
  • Graph Theory

    Graph Theory
    Euler solve the Seven Bridges of Konigsber pioneering graph theory.
  • Bayes' Theorem

    Bayes' Theorem
    Thomas Bayes proves Bayes' Theorem for use in probability.
  • Pi as an irrational number.

    Pi as an irrational number.
    Johann Heinrich Lambert proves that pi is an irrational number.
  • Fundemental Theorem of Algebra

    Fundemental Theorem of Algebra
    Carl Friedrich Gauss proves the Fundemental Theorem of Algebra stating that every polynomial has a solution in complex numbers.
  • Method of Least Squares

    Method of Least Squares
    Adrien-Marie Legendre introduces the method of least squares to fit a curve to data.
  • Mobius Strip

    Mobius Strip
    August Ferdinand Mobius invents the Mobius strip and introduces topology.
  • Riemann Hypothesis

    Riemann Hypothesis
    Bernhard Riemann formulates the Riemann hypothesis having to do with the distribution of prime numbers.
  • Klein Bottle

    Klein Bottle
    Felix Klein invents the Klein bottle expanding the field of topology in mathematics.
  • Pi to 2,037 places

    Pi to 2,037 places
    John von Neumann computes pi to 2,037 places using the computer ENIAC.
  • Fuzzy Mathematics

    Lotfi Asker Zadeh, an Iranian mathematician, founded fuzzy set theory and later Fuzzy Mathematics.
  • Al-Khwarizmi writes first Algebra book

    Al-Khwarizmi writes first Algebra book
    Al-Khwarizmi, a Persian mathematician, writes Al-Jabra. Later this would translate to Algebra. The book includes methods for solving linear and quadratic equations using algorithms (which is also named after him.)