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Matched Timeline

  • Cassia gets matched to Xander

    Cassia gets matched to Xander
    In the society, you get matched to your perfect mate at the age of 17. Cassia, once turning 17, gets matched to her best friend, Xander Carrow.
  • Cassia's information chip glitches

    Cassia's information chip glitches
    While reviewing her information chip for Xander, purely for fun, the chip glitches. It, for an instant, shows the face of another male, Ky markham. Thus begins the conflict.
  • Cassia and Ky kiss

    Cassia and Ky kiss
    On the last day of hiking, Cassia and Ky run to the very top of the hill. When they reach the top, they kiss, and all of Cassia's doubts float away.
  • Cassia confesses everything to Xander.

    Cassia confesses everything to Xander.
    After talking with and Official, Cassia decides to tell Xander about ehr and Ky. So before school starts one day, she oulls him aside and tells him. Needless to say he's heartbroken.
  • Ky gets taken away

    After Cassia places Ky into the efficient worker section, he is taken away by the offivials. The officials claim they are taking him to another worl position, but they are, in reality, taking him to fight in the border wars.
  • Witnesses are forced to take red pill

    Witnesses are forced to take red pill
    After seeing Ky being taken away, all the citizens are asked and have tot ake the red pill so they don't rememebr what just happened.
  • Cassia is told she is going to move

    Cassia is told she is going to move
    The officials think the Cassia's mother had=s too much information concerning the new crops and don't think someone in such a high position should have this information. They, to eliminate and possible threats, move them to Keya Province.
  • Cassia and Xander say goodbye

    Cassia and Xander say goodbye
    Before she moves, Cassia says goodbye to Xander. During the exchange, Xander agres to teach Cassia how to use the compass to find Ky. He also gives her a printed picture of her favorite of the 100 poems, and multiple blue pills, which, along with water, can support you for up to two days each.
  • Cassia goes to work on the farms of the Outer Provinces

    Cassia goes to work on the farms of the Outer Provinces
    Cassia, witht the help of her parents, goes to work on the farms of the Outer Provinces so she could be just a bit closer to Ky.