Matched cover


By MereVan
  • Match

    Cassia feels very beautiful all dressed up in her green dress. Cassia and her family are on the air train, along with Xander and his family. The officials call Cassia's name and she waiting to see her match on the screen, but there is nothing. The screen is black and she starts to very nervous. The officals announce that her match is with them tonight, it is her best friend Xander.
  • Who is my Match?

    Who is my Match?
    When Cassia views her microcard she is presented with Xander's face. She is very excited and her heart beat fast. She already knows him so well, but she thinks there might be something she missed. Suddenly, the portscreen goes dark and a new picture comes up and it is not Xander. It is Ky Markham.
  • Book Trailer

    Book Trailer
  • Grandfather's Final Banquet

    Grandfather's Final Banquet
    It is Grandfather's 80th birthday. It is your birthday so it is a time to celebrate, but not for Grandfather and his family. His 80th birthday is the day he dies. Grandfather gets to pick his last meal, all desserts. Cassia, her father and mother, and Bram all bring gifts to give to Grandfather. An hour before midnight Grandfather says his I love you's and then passes away.
  • Poetry

    Grandfather told Cassia his secret that he has had for many years. There is a secret paper hidden in her compact. What is on the paper is dangerous, words. There are two stolen poems, they are not on the hundreds list. Cassia reads the poems over and over again. She knows she has to destroy the paper, but she does not want to. Cassia finally finds the right time to destroy it, at the library where they are incinerating old books. She tosses the paper close to the tube, and was gone forever.
  • The Hill

    The Hill
    Cassia and Ky were partners for hiking and clearing the hill. Ky taught Cassia how to write and they shared stories about their lives with each other. Ky drew pictures on napkins to tell the story of his life in the Outer Provinces to Cassia. Their relationship grew stronger and closer. Cassia wrote I love you in the dirt to Ky and Ky said it back to her. They shared a forbidden kiss that broke many of the rules in society. At this point they both wanted to be together.
  • Equality

    Society decided that the the artifacts were not equal because some people did not have one. They came door to door and took the artifacts from each person who had one. Bram did not want to give up his watch and Cassia hid Ky's compass with Xander and gave up her compact. The society also came into their borough and cut down all the maple trees because they were not growing equally. The one in Cassia's yard was big and tall, while others were small and dying.
  • Real Life Sort

    Real Life Sort
    Cassia had a real life sort to determine her work position. The officials brought her to Ky's place of work, where they cleaned the dishes after people's meals. Cassia was told that the better workers would get a better job in better working conditions and the poor workers would stay in their position. She did not know where to sort Ky. She could give him a better life, but if she did the officials might know that she has feelings for him. She ended up putting him in the better group.
  • Cassia Tells the Truth

    Cassia Tells the Truth
    Cassia finally decided that it was time to tell Xander the truth. She was scared and nervous, but it was time to tell him because she did not want to steal from him any longer. Cassia told him and Xander was immediately hurt. He was mad and heartbroken. He did not understand how she could do that to him. He left the room without speaking to her, and did not talk to her for awhile. In the end, he decided to help her find Ky to make her happy and hope he would get her back.
  • Ky is Taken to Fight in War

    Ky is Taken to Fight in War
    Cassia woke up to screaming in the Borough. The family ran outside to see there were officials and officers taking Ky away. She started to run after them, after Ky. She shouts his name and Ky yells back to her, then she knows he loves her. She thinks about the poem: Do not go gentle. They look straight into each others eyes and say their goodbyes, but not forever. After all of it, the officials made them all take their red pill, to forget. Cassia pretended to take hers to remember.
  • Video

  • Cassia's Family is Reassigned

    Cassia's Family is Reassigned
    After Ky is taken away, Cassia's mother gets notice that they are being reassigned to an outer province, to the farmlands. Cassia's parents told her that they would help her find Ky because he is the one she loves. When they arrive at their new home, her parents requested to the officials that she be sent on a three month work detail because she showed signs of rebellion. The work moved her to a Western Province. This put Cassia closer to Ky, wherever he is at. She is determined to find him.