marilynn morelli 1850 events

  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    a series of measures, that were passed by the U.S. Congress to settle slavery issues and avoid withdrawal.
  • publication of uncle toms cabin

    publication of uncle toms cabin
    the book chhanged how Americans viewed slavery, the system that treated people as property.
  • kansas- nebraska act

    bill that divided the land west of Missouri into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska.
  • bleeding kansas

    bleeding kansas
    series of violent political confrontations involving anti-slavery Free-Staters and pro-slavery. pro slavery and anti slavvery fought for the control of kansas and which it would be.
  • brooks summer affair (violence in congress)

    brooks summer affair (violence in congress)
    Preston S. Brooks beat Charles Summers with a cane until it broke.
  • dred scott decision

    dred scott decision
    a slave whos master took him to free soil but had to take him back to slave land until he died,Dred Scott decision had the effect of widening the political and social gap between North and South and took the nation closer to the brink of Civil War.
  • john browns raid

    john browns raid
    ed eighteen men-thirteen whites and five blacks-into virgina. violent struggles between pro- and antislavery forces in Kansas, Brown intended to provoke a general uprising of African Americans that would lead to a war against slavery.
  • election of 1860

    election of 1860
    Abraham Lincoln won a bitter election