Marilyn monroe in 1952

Marilyn Monroe

  • where and when is she born?

    where and when is she born?
    Marilyn Monroe born 1st June 1926,Los Angeles,California.
  • How many times did Marilyn Monroe married ?

    How many times did Marilyn Monroe married ?
    Marilyn Monroe married three times.
  • Where she was an important actress?

    Where she was an important actress?
    Marilyn Monroe was one of the most popular actresses in America.
  • What was her first film?

    What was her first film?
    Her first film was Don´t Bother to Knock
  • In what year did she do Como Casarse Con Un Millonario?

    In what  year did she do  Como Casarse Con Un Millonario?
    She did that film when she was 29 years old (1955).
  • When did she do her last film?

    When did she do her last film?
    She did in 1959 when she was only 33 years old.
  • when died Marilyn Monroe?

    when died Marilyn Monroe?
    She died 5th August in 1962 when she was 36 years old.
  • Why did Marilyn Monroe died?

    Some people say she commit suicide and other people say she died from overdose.