Marie Antoinette

  • Marie Antoinette was born

    She was born in Vienna, Austria. Her full name was Maria Antonia Josepha Joanna.
  • Antoinette's father dies.

    Marie's father died suddenly on his way home from the opera in Innsbruck. This was traumatic for her because they were very close.
  • Antoinette left home

    Marie Antoinette was 15 years old when she left home for England to marry a man she had never met. This was the last time she saw her mother. She was escorted by 57 carriages, 117 footmen, and 376 horses.
  • Marie married Louis XVI

    Louis XVI and Marie got married at the palace at Versailles. Six thousand people attended the wedding ceremony. They began to really love each other.
  • The couple visited city where 200,000 people cheered for them

    At first, everyone in England loved the couple. This was their peek as far as peace with England.
  • Louis XV died

    Louis XV contracted smallpox and died. His first sign of infection was a headache and fever during dinner. After a week, he looked like a giant black scab. This meant that Louis XVI would take the thrown and Marie would be the Queen of England at the age of 19.
  • The diamond necklace scandal

    Louis bought Marie a 2,800 carat diamond necklace that she didn't want. She felt bad accepting such an extravagant gift while the people in her country had nothing to eat.
  • Antoinette began building a retreat

    Marie built the Hameau de la Reine, which was highly criticized by the people, near the Petit Trianon in Versailles.
  • The royal couple's first born son died

    Louis-Joseph died at the age of 7 of tuberculosis. This gave his parents unbelievable grief in the months before the start of the revolution.
  • Antoinette appeared before judges

    The jury was all-male and they easily accused her of several crimes during her two day trial.
  • 1789: French Revolution began

    The revolution was believed to have started because of Marie Antoinette's lawlessness towards England.
  • The family failed an escape from detention in Paris

    Marie had an idea to try to escape from the French, who wanted them captured and brought back to Paris. They tried and failed.
  • Antoinette led French Revolution and overthrew the monarchy

    Marie led the French Revolution in hopes to overthrow the monarchy to make life better for the people. She was the last Queen of England.
  • King Louis XVI was executed

    Louis was convicted of treason and put to death by guillotine.
  • October 16, 1793: Antoinette was executed

    Marie was found guilty of treason, theft, and a false charge of sexually abusing her son. She was beheaded by the guillotine just like her husband a few months before.