Margret River

By bradf
  • First Named in Map

    This was the year Margret River was officially named in a map made by European colonisers, made to document the local region of W.A
  • Earliest European Settlements

    Although efforts to export timber from the Augusta area failed, some European settlers still created a homestead around the Margret River region, which was later used as a base for a soon flourishing timber industry, using the natural resources of the woodland dense region
  • Timber Logging Industry Began

    The W.A government grants “Special Timber Licences” in order to encourage people to take advantage of the natural resources of Margret River, and soon companies like Locksville Timber Co gained leases to cut timber from around 80,000 ares in the region.
  • First Hotel/Post Office Established

    The first hotel/post office being opened marked the true beginning of this township, connecting it to the outside worked and inviting tourists to stay. This marks the start of the booming tourism industry in Margret River, something that continued today as people come to see the beautiful scenery
  • First Town Site Established

    Three houses were made, officially making Margret River a ‘township’.
  • First Agricultural Show

    The first agricultural show is held, starting a long tradition the town would soon become known for, supporting the local farming community and encouraging outsiders to visit for the competition
  • Electricity Comes to Margret River

    Now that Margret River is steadily becoming a home to many, electricity was the next natural step to making the town a desirable place to live and visit
  • Tourist Bureau Established

    The Tourism Bureau was established to stimulate their tourism based economy, and blasted things like a new caravan park, beautiful scenery and a hotel
  • First Grape Vines

    In 1966, the first grape vines were planted, which would soon become a staple of Margret River, who are known for their modern day vineyards and wines,
  • Population Influx

    From 1970-1980, the population greatly increased, going from around 3000 people, to 5000 in only ten short years. This is likely due to the vineyards, and tourism industry that were now booming, as the lumber industry had faded into the background in the recent years
  • Population Doubles

    From 1980 to 1990 the population again doubles, showing just how promising Margret River was beginning to look, which all its industries and natural resources culminating to create an amazing environment to both visit and live in
  • Wine and Surfing Competitions

    These accompany the movement from family owned businesses to corporate owned businesses, with the decline of the timber industry and growth of the wine, agriculture and tourism industry. Modern day Margret River relies on these industries, and competitions like these encourage people from across W. A to visit.