Major WW2 Battles and Events

  • Hitler met with German Generals

    Hitler met with German Generals
    Hitler came to power in 1933, and immediatly met with Generals to discuss war plans.
  • Hitler anounces new Air Force

    Hitler anounces new Air Force
    Hitler signs a secret decree authorizing the founding of the Reich Luftwaffe, as a third german Military service to join the Army and the Navy.
  • Italy Invaded Ethiopia

    Italy Invaded Ethiopia
    After Italy unsuccessfully tried to conquer Ethiopia in the 1890's, they attack again because of border conflicts, and this time arise the victor.
  • Hitler sent troops to Rhineland

    Hitler sent troops to Rhineland
    Against the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler sent troops to occupy the Rhineland. This was Hitler first illegal act.
  • Germany and Italy sent troops to spain to help with the civil war

    Germany and Italy sent troops to spain to help with the civil war
    In 1936 a Civil War broke out in Spain. Germany and Italy, so as not to offend the League of Nations sent troops as "volunteers" to help.
  • Japan attacks China

    Japan attacks China
    Japan attacked China. China got support from the Germans, Soviets, and the U.S. because of the attack on Pearl Harbor
  • Hitler annexed Austria to Germany

    Hitler annexed Austria to Germany
    German troops marched into Austria an annex the country for the third Reich.
  • Hitler invaded Bohemia, Morovia, and weastern Czechoslovakia

    Hitler invaded Bohemia, Morovia, and weastern Czechoslovakia
    Hitler invaded Bohemia, Morovia, and weastern Czechoslovakia, who could all be useful to the third Reich.
  • Germany signed Non-Agression pact with Soviets

    Germany signed Non-Agression pact with Soviets
    By signing this pact with the Soviets, Germany could ensure that they did not have too fight two enemies on two fronts
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Hitler again violated the Treaty of Versailles, and invaded Poland.
  • Blitzkrieg attacks Denmark and Norway

    Blitzkrieg attacks Denmark and Norway
    Hitler used his blitxkrieg to attack Denmark and Norway, so it would be easy to get their natural supplies.
  • Air attack on britain

  • Germany attacks the Netherlands, Belgium and France

    Germany attacks the Netherlands, Belgium and France, because he wanted to take full control.
  • French signed armistice for Germans

    French signed armistice for Germans
    Because France was crumbling under the foot of Germany, they signed the Armistice, releasing all rules from Treaty of Versailles
  • Pearl Harbor Bombing

    Pearl Harbor Bombing
    This was the tragic day that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, which eventually led to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagisaki, and the U.S. entry into the war
  • D-Day

    This is the day that the Americans fought the Germans on Normandy beach.
  • Mussolini's death

    Mussolini's death
    Mussolini and his wife were killed one day before hitler, by a group of Partisans.
  • Death of Hitler

    Death of Hitler
    This was a major turning point in the war, and changed many peoples lives. The day Adolf Hitler and his wife shot themselves in their underground bunker.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    A celebration day in Europe for the end of the war. Called Visctory for Europe Day.
  • Japanese Surrender

    Japanese Surrender
    This is the day Douglas McCarthur, President of the U.S. and the Japanese signed the Japanese surrender and ended the war.