Major Political and Military Events of 1938-1941

  • Germany's Anschluss with Austria

    Germany's Anschluss with Austria
    Most people in Austria wanted unification with Germany. A day after Germany marhced into Austria, they announced their union.
  • Hitler's Annexation of Czechoslovakia

    Hitler's Annexation of Czechoslovakia
    Hitler decided to annex Czechoslovakia to provide more land for Germany and had important natural resources. The Munich act declared that Sudetenlad would be the last territory that Hilter will try to take but then went on to take ove Czechoslovakia anyways.
  • The Munich Pact

    The Munich Pact
    When Germany tried to take Czechoslovakia, France and Great Britian wouldn't let that happen. Hilter met with Édouard Daladier and Neville Chamberlain in Munich and promised that he would try to take over another territory after Sudetenland.
  • Germany's Annexation of the Sudetenland

    Germany's Annexation of the Sudetenland
    Hilter wanted to annex Czechoslovakia for its land a natural resources. Germany ended up take the land of Sudentenland, which was were the German-speaking people lived.
  • The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
    The pact was formed between former enemies Stalin and Hitler. The pact stated that Germany and Russia would never attack each other.
  • Germany's Invasion of Poland

    Germany's Invasion of Poland
    Germany used the military strategy blitzrieg to invade Poland. They used advanced technology like fast tanks, and powerful aircraft and two days later Poland, Britain, and France declared war on Germany.
  • The Phony War

    The Phony War
    After the fall of Poland, France and Britain went to the border of Germany and waited. Then German troops waited a few miles away and to two sides had a stare down. Newspapers gave it the name the Phony War.
  • The Miracle at Dunkirk

    The Miracle at Dunkirk
    Germany trapped British and French troops on the beaches of Dunkirk. 800 vessels brought 330,000 British, French, and Belgian troops to safety.
  • The Fall of France

    The Fall of France
    Germany invade France from both the north and south. Germans ended up occuping the northern part of France.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    Germany launched naval fleet and air war at the same time to take down Germany. Most of the war was fought by just bombing places and cities in both Britain and Germany.