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Major events of World War 1

  • THe Archduke is assasnated

    THe Archduke is assasnated
    Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb who had been trained by a Serbian secret terrorist organization called the Black Hand, shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand in the Bosnian city of Sarajevo.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary saw Franz Ferdinand’s assassination as a chance to crush Serbian nationalism.
  • Germany declares a warzone around Great Britain

    On 4 February 1915, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany declared the seas around the British Isles a war zone.This happened,18 February, Allied ships in the area would be sunk without warning.
  • German U-boats fighting back

    -May 7 - The British ocean liner RMS Lusitania is sunk by German U-boat, U-20
  • The battle of Somme begins

    The Battle of the Somme begins. During the Battle of the Somme, tanks were first introduced into battle.
  • The battle of Verdune Begins...

    The Battle of Verdun begins. The Battle of Verdun was the longest battle of World War I and was one of the bloodiest.
  • Germany being sneaky

    In February 1917, Germany continues its previous policy of unrestricted submarine warfare. Furthermore, Germany made an offer of an alliance with Mexico. It promised that if Mexico went to war against the United States, Germany would reward Mexico with lands in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. These actions led the United States to declare war on
  • president woodrow's annoucement

    U.S. President Woodrow Wilson announces the U.S. will remain neutral.
  • Woodrow's 14 Points

    The negotiations were often tense. Wilson’s Fourteen Points had made him a hero among Europeans who were tired of war and the fourteen Points were a declaration made by President Woodrow Wilson, which outlined a postwar peace settlement.
  • An Armistice is formed

    On November 11, 1918, they signed an armistice, an agreement to stop fighting. The Allies’ terms for the armistice were stiff. Germany had to turn over much of its military equipment to the Allies and return all of its troops to German soil
  • The treaty of Versailles

    The treaty of Versailles ,required Germany to accept responsibility for starting the war and to pay the Allies for the damage and losses they had suffered.