Major Events in Forensics

  • physical evidence used in cases

    physical evidence used in cases
  • investigating poisons

    investigating poisons
  • more physical evidence discovered to use

    more physical evidence discovered to use
  • chemical testing utilized

    chemical testing utilized
  • first use of photos

    first use of photos
  • fingerprints found to be unique

    fingerprints found to be unique
  • Sherlock Holmes and the coroner

    Sherlock Holmes and the coroner
  • criminal features reduced to numerical measurements

    criminal features reduced to numerical measurements
  • fingerprint id used in crimes

    fingerprint id used in crimes
  • fingerprint id more common

    fingerprint id more common
  • first fingerprint prisoner id used

    first fingerprint prisoner id used
  • learning about forensics

    learning about forensics
  • hair used in forensics

    hair used in forensics
  • guns are unique

    guns are unique
  • crime labs built

    crime labs built
  • lie detection invented

    lie detection invented
  • crime experts build lab

    crime experts build lab
  • voice recording used as evidence

    voice recording used as evidence
  • first national crime system

    first national crime system
  • advances in residue detection

    advances in residue detection
  • 1975 advances in manual finger prints

    1975 advances in manual finger prints
    improvement of accuracy
    improving speed and efficiency
  • 1979 auto finger print system used

    1979 auto finger print system used
    electronic device used to scan fingerprints, much more accurate and efficient
  • 1984 DNA techniques used for ID

    1984 DNA techniques used for ID
    DNA samples including blood,saliva,hair,skin, and fingerprints are all examples of DNA that is used to help identify a suspect
  • 1987 DNA used to catch a criminal

    1987 DNA used to catch a criminal
    in 1987 DNA was first applied to help catch a suspect in a crime
  • 1999 faster finger print IDs

    1999 faster finger print IDs
    advances in the use of fingerprinting where made making fingerprint identification much more accurate and consistent
  • 2001 faster DNA ID

    2001 faster DNA ID
    in 2001 advances where made to the way geneticist use DNA to help more accurately identify suspects
  • 2007 footwear detection system

    2007 footwear detection system
    in 2007 researchers began to use footwear to help identify possible suspects
  • 2008 detection after cleaning

    2008 detection after cleaning
    a way for scientist to visualize finger prints and other kinds of DNA even after the DNA has been removed or "cleaned"
  • 2011 4 sec dental match

    2011 4 sec dental match
    in 2011 scientist began to apply the use of teeth to help match victims and suspects
  • 2011 facial sketches matched to photos

    2011 facial sketches matched to photos
    in 2011 detectives used facial sketches to help victims describe possible suspects and give detectives a visual of what the possible suspect looked like