Lucy Stone

  • Lucy Stone is born

    Lucy Stone is born
    On this day, Lucy Stone was born to Francis Stone and Hannah Matthews. She was one of their nine children.
  • Lucy Stone Graduates from Oberlin College

    Lucy Stone Graduates from Oberlin College
    Stone paid her own way through college. She graduated from Oberlin College with honors. She became the first woman from Massachusetts to earn a bachelor's degree.
  • Stone Convenes the First National Women's Rights Convention

    Stone Convenes the First National Women's Rights Convention
    At this event, Stone was a celebrated leader. The inspiring speech she gave was printed in newspapers nationwide.
  • Lucy Stone Marries Henry Blackwell

    Lucy Stone Marries Henry Blackwell
    Although she vowed to never get married, Lucy stone changed her mind and married Henry Blackwell. She did however, keep her maiden name.
  • Alice Stone Blackwell is born

    Alice Stone Blackwell is born
    Lucy Stone gave birth to her only daughter, Alice Stone Blackwell on this day. Lucy had once had a son, but he was born prematurely and died.
  • Lucy Refuses to pay Taxes on her Home

    Lucy Refuses to pay Taxes on her Home
    Lucy refused to pay taxes on her home in protest. She believed that women still endured taxation without representation because they did not have the right to vote. The gesture was widely publicized.
  • Lucy co-founds and becomes President of the State Women's Suffrage Association

    Lucy co-founds and becomes President of the State Women's Suffrage Association
    This association was later succeeded by the League of Women's Voters in New Jersey in 1920. They both fought for women's rights.
  • The Women's Suffrage Movement splits (Former male slaves are allowed to vote)

    The Women's Suffrage Movement splits (Former male slaves are allowed to vote)
    The National Women's Suffrage Association led by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton oppose the 14th amendment because of language "male citizen." Lucy Stone disagrees saying that this will eventually lead to women's right to vote.
  • Massachusetts Women are given Limited Right to Vote

    Massachusetts Women are given Limited Right to Vote
    Women in Massachusetts are granted the right to vote for the school committee. Stone is denied the right to vote unless she uses her husbands name.
  • Lucy Stone Dies

    Lucy Stone Dies
    On this day, Lucy Stone died from stomach cancer. She did live to see the end of slavery, but died about 30 years before women were given the right to vote.