Lord of the flies

Lord of the flies

  • The boys land on the island

    The boys land on the island
    Good british boys listen to conch which represents government and they come out of the plane civilized with choir in uniform and in lines.
  • They first mention the beast and get out of control

    They first mention the beast and get out of control
    The beast is first mentioned by the boy with the birth mark. They start to freak out and start to make dumb decision. When things get out of control the boy with the birth mark dies.
  • Boys start to act wlld

    Boys start to act wlld
    Jack becomes more wild and more savage. He is walking on his feet and hands. He also is just wearing shorts and a belt with knife.
  • Jack hits Piggy

    Jack hits Piggy
    The group have a violent argument. Jack slaps piggy and breaks his glasses.
  • The boys keep breaking rules

    The boys keep breaking rules
    Ralph wants the group to have order but none of the boys listen and keep breaking the rules.
  • The twins see the beast

    The twins see the beast
    The twins see an object on the rocks near the mountain and they think its the beast. They go warn the boys and they freak out.
  • Game gets out of hand

    Game gets out of hand
    The hunters play a game in which they put someone in the middle and they act like the person in the middle is a pig and then they actually start to hit him and they want to kill him.
  • The boys seperate

    The boys seperate
    Jack left the group and started his own group. Some of the kids followed him. Simon sees the lord of the flies for the first time.
  • The boys kill Simon

    The boys kill Simon
    The boys play a game where someone is in the middle and they act like its a pig their killing. Then Simon out of no where gets in the middle and they actually kill him with theirs bare hands and sticks.
  • There is rivalry between the two groups

    There is rivalry between the two groups
    Jacks group become more savage because now they want to steal Ralph’s group food and destroy their shelter.
  • Roger kills Piggy

    Roger kills Piggy
    Between the fighting between Jack and Ralph, Roger throws a big rock down the mountain towards all the boys and knocks out Piggy to the rocks and kills him.
  • Jack and his boys hunt for Ralph to kill him.

    Jack and his boys hunt for Ralph to kill him.
    Jack and the boys with him start to hunt for Ralph because they want to kill him. They burn down whole jungle just to find Ralph. Later the boys get rescued by a guy who saw the fire.